Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Looks like good times are rolling back for Nepal: Rainfall Prediction for South Asia, July 31-August 7, 07
Rainfall over Nepal July 31- Aug 7:For the last three posts, we have been observing progressively receding of rainfalls, especially over Nepal. The recent predictions by CPC NOAA for the period July 31 - August 7, 2007, for South Asia, clearly indicates that the rains that were hovering over the southern half of mid and far-western development region of Nepal, is all limited to drizzles of total 50 to 75mm for a week. So is the case with east and central terai districts where many houses were washed last week.
Image 1: Nepal and South Asia Rainfall
About 75 persons perished and more than 80,000 persons got displaced last week all over the country according to Nepali media reports. Children, men, and women of all ages suffered from water borne disease. Many people are living in schools, open spaces and their relatives' houses. Given such a situation last week, this weeks rainfall predictions are a great relief, this is an window for relief and rehabilitation of the affected people.
There are still pockets of area in East Nepal - around Makalu-Barun National Park in Sankhuwasabha and Solukhumbu districts, as well as Jhapa, Illam, Tehrathum and Panchthar, where good amount of rainfall is going to take place.
South Asia Rainfall Pattern:
As per the interpretation of the CPC NOAA images, Bangladesh is also finding an window of opportunity for recovery from the flooded streets and settlements.
There is very heavy rain falling on the western ghat (hills) of India. The rains in India also have thinned down considerably. The north-eastern indian states of Assam, Meghalaya, and West Bengal have receding rainfall in comparison to yesterday's image.
Image 2: Asia Continent Rainfall Pattern
Most of the monsoon rains are concentrating in the Arabian Sea of west India and the Bay of Bengal. These thick downpour areas are extending east towards Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia and all the way to the Pacific ocean.
Thanks to CPC NOAA for their images.
Rainfall over Nepal receding (except in Jhapa): Rainfall Prediction for South Asia for the period of July 30-August 6, 2007
Rain over Nepal for July 30 - August 6, 2007:
Rain over Nepal for July 30 - August 6, 2007:
The rainfall for the period July 30-August 6 over Nepal is shifting towards western part of the country, and is mainly on lower half, that is where most of the rainfall will take place (in Mid and Far-western development region’s lower half portions). Otherwise the amount of rainfall is receding all over the country, and perhaps that will be a window of opportunity for relief and rehab operations. The south-east Jhapa district and parts of Illam will get quite some rains.
Please refer to earlier post (July 30, 2007), same statements apply.
Image 1: Rainfall Prediction for South Asia
Rainfall in South Asia: Bangladesh rains are receding too. The West coast of India is getting more rain again. Max rains are concentrated in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal for the week in South Asia.
Image 2: Rainfall for Asia continent
Thanks to CPC NOAA for the maps.
Rain over Nepal for July 30 - August 6, 2007:
The rainfall for the period July 30-August 6 over Nepal is shifting towards western part of the country, and is mainly on lower half, that is where most of the rainfall will take place (in Mid and Far-western development region’s lower half portions). Otherwise the amount of rainfall is receding all over the country, and perhaps that will be a window of opportunity for relief and rehab operations. The south-east Jhapa district and parts of Illam will get quite some rains.
Please refer to earlier post (July 30, 2007), same statements apply.
Image 1: Rainfall Prediction for South Asia
Rainfall in South Asia: Bangladesh rains are receding too. The West coast of India is getting more rain again. Max rains are concentrated in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal for the week in South Asia.
Image 2: Rainfall for Asia continent
Thanks to CPC NOAA for the maps.
Nepal Landslide and Flood Situation Map as of July 30, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
Flood situaiton report made available by Nepal Red Cross: A map
बाढी प्रभावित क्षेत्रमा रोगव्याधि
बाढी प्रभावित क्षेत्रमा रोगव्याधि
कान्तिपुर संवाददाता
काठमाडौं, साउन १३ - बाढीपहिरो र डुबान क्षेत्रका बासिन्दा सरुवा रोगबाट बिरामी पर्न थालेका छन् ।
पूर्वका मोरङ, धनुषा र पश्चिम नेपालका राप्तीपारिका गाउँ तथा डुबानमा परेको नेपालगन्जमा झाडापखाला, ज्वरो, टाइफाइट र रुघाखोकीबाट सयौं परेका छन् । तीमध्ये धेरै महिला, बालबालिका र वृद्धवृद्धा छन् ।
मोरङमा हजारभन्दा बढी ज्वरोबाट प्रभावित छन् । तीमध्ये केहीमा टाइफाइडको लक्षण देखिएको छ । धनुषामा बालबालिका र वृद्धवृद्धा बिरामी परेका छन् । राप्तीपारिका गाउँ र नेपालगन्जमा ४ सयभन्दा बढी झाडापखाला र ज्वरो प्रभावित छन् ।
मोरङ लेटाङवासी ज्वरो र टाइफाइडबाट बिरामी भएका हुन् । स्थानीय स्वास्थ्यकर्मी सीताराम लुइँटेलका अनुसार खोलाको धमिलो पानी खान सुरु गरेयता ज्वरोबाट बिरामी भएका हजारभन्दा बढी स्थानीयवासी उनका क्लिनिकमा उपचार गराउन आएका छन् । तीमध्ये धेरैलाई टाइफाइडको संक्रमण छ ।
'लेटाङका प्रायः सबै घरमा ज्वरो र टाइफाइडका बिरामी छन्,' उनले भने । स्थानीय तीनवटा स्वास्थ्य क्लिनिकमा तीन दिनदेखि ज्वरो र टाइफाइडका बिरामीको भीड लागेको छ ।
उपचार निम्ति आएकी स्थानीय चन्द्रकला तामाङले भनिन्- 'गाउँभरि ज्वरोका बिरामी छन्, डाक्टरले ज्वरो आउनुको कारण खराब पानी बताएका छन् ।' बाढीले खानेपानीका पाइप बगाउँदा ४० हजार स्थानीयवासी चिसाङ खोलाको धमिलो पानी खान बाध्य छन् ।
धनुषामा मठमन्दिर, विद्यालय तथा आफन्तका घरमा शरणमा बसेका विस्थापितहरूको स्वास्थ्य स्थिति बास, खानेकुरा तथा लुगाफाटाको अभावमा बिगि्रँदै गएको छ । बालबालिका र वृद्धवृद्धा बिरामी पर्न थालेका छन् । शुद्ध पिउने पानीको अभावमा झाडापखालाजस्ता रोग फैलिने सम्भावना बढेको छ । यहाँ ६ सयभन्दा बढी परिवारका करिब ४ हजार व्यक्ति विस्थापित छन् । यस्तै राप्तीपारिका गाउँका बालबालिका ज्वरो र रुघाखोकीबाट प्रभावित छन् ।
'भोकै बाढीमा भिजेर बस्नुपर्यो । म, केटाकेटी सबै बिरामी छौं,' बाढीग्रस्त बाँके गंगापुरकी रेशमा कुर्मीले भनिन् । त्यस्तै जइकाद कुर्मीले गाउँका दर्जनौं बालबालिका बिरामी परेको बताइन् । गंगापुर बाढीबाट अत्यधिक प्रभावित गाउँ हो ।
महामारी फैलन नदिन जिल्ला जनस्वास्थ्यले टोली खटाएर औषधोपचार सुरु गरेको छ । नेपालगन्ज, खजुरा, होलिया, बेतहनी, गंगापुर र वनकट्वामा स्वास्थ्यटोली पुगेको छ । 'झन्डै पाँच सय बिरामीको स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण गरायौं,' जनस्वास्थ्य अधिकृत केहरसिंह गोदारले भने- 'तीमध्ये चार सयजति झाडापखाला र ज्वरोका बिरामी छन् ।'
बाढी तथा डुबान क्षेत्रमा शुद्ध पिउने पानीको अभाव छ । नगरभित्र शनिबारदेखि दमकलबाट पानी वितरण सुरु गरिएको छ । पानी पिउनयोग्य पार्न युनिसेफले वाटरगाड उपलब्ध गराएको छ ।
बाढीबाट सबैभन्दा धेरै प्रभावित राप्तीपारिको गंगापुरमा आइतबार हेलिकप्टरबाट राहत सामग्री वितरण गरियो । रेडक्रस उपाध्यक्ष गोवर्द्धन सिंह सम्झनाका अनुसार राहतस्वरूप पाँच दिनलाई पुग्ने गरी १ हजार जनालाई चिउरा, भेली, चाउचाउ र बिस्कुट वितरण गरिएको छ ।
क्षति जारी
महोत्तरीमा ३ हजार ५ सय परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । उनीहरूले विद्यालय, गाविस भवन, सडकपेटी तथा आफन्तका घरमा शरण लिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । प्रतिकूल मौसम र अवरुद्ध सडकका कारण जलेश्वरबाहेक अन्यत्र राहत वितरण हुन सकेको छैन ।
रौतहटमा दुई दर्जन गाविसमा दुई सयभन्दा बढी घर भत्किएका छन् । क्षति भएका गाउँमा प्रशासनले आइतबारदेखि राहत वितरण सुरु गरेको छ । घर भत्किएका परिवारलाई ४ हजारका दरले राहत दिइएको छ ।
मोरङमा इटहरा, सिजुवा र बरडंगा गाविसका ६५ परिवार विस्थापित छन् ।
संखुवासभामा पाँच दिनदेखि उडान हुन सकेको छैन । सयौं यात्री तुम्लिङटार विमानस्थलमा अलपत्र छन् । आँखीभुइँ-८ का खेमराज विक, विश्वेश्वरा कार्की र जंगध्वज श्रेष्ठको घर पहिराले बगाएको छ । यहीँका ध्रुव विष्ट र दुई कार्की परिवार पहिरामा घर परेपछि विस्थापित छन् ।
सप्तरीमा पोर्ताहा-८ स्थित बाँध शनिबार राति भत्किँदा गिदखोरा, भुलवा, पोर्ताहा डुबानमा परेको छ । मुसहरी टोलका बासिन्दा रातिदेखि नै सडकमा बसिरहेका छन् । बाढीबाट ३ दर्जन गाउँका १० हजारभन्दा बढी परिवार विस्थापित छन् ।
गुल्मीमा राहत
पहिरामा परी मृत्यु भएका हंसरा गाविसका ७ परिवारलाई प्रतिपरिवार २० हजार रुपैयाँ वितरण गरिएको छ । शनिबार हंसरामा सात जनाको मृत्यु भएको थियो । रूपाकोट र गौंंडाकोट गाविसमा गरी १२ घर बगेका छन् ।
सिरहामा ६७ गाविस, दुई नगरपालिका डुबानमा पर्दा ६ हजार परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । दस हजार घर भत्केको नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी शाखा सिरहाका सभापति राजदेव यादवले बताए ।
पर्सामा करिब दुई हजार दुई सय घर डुबानमा छन् । पकाहा, धोरेलगायतका गाविस बढी प्रभावित छन् । ६५ पीडित परिवारलाई रेडक्रसले राहत वितरण गरेको छ ।
सुनसरीका तीन दर्जन बढी गाविस डुबानमा छन् भने दुई हजार सर्वसाधारण विस्थापित छन् । सुनसरी खोला, बुढी र टेङ्ग्रा खोलाको बाँध फुटेको छ भने कोसी नदीमा पानीको बहाव बढेकाले महेन्द्रनगर, प्रकाशपुर, कुसाहा र मधुवन गाविसमा त्रास फैलिएको छ ।
बर्दियामा बाढीले ३ हजार २ सय घरमा क्षति पुगेको छ । बबई र कणर्ालीमा आएको बाढीले ८ सय ५० परिवार विस्थापित छन् । आठवटा शिविरमा नअटेपछि उनीहरू सडकमा पाल टाँगेर र विद्यालयहरूमा आश्रय लिइरहेका छन् ।
नवलपरासीमा बाढीले सदरमुकाम परासीका पोखरापाली बजारलगायत दर्जनौं गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । मधवलिया, नबडिहवा, खडौंनाका गाउँवासी भाग्न नसकेर घरका छतमाथि बसेका छन् । सयौं कच्ची घर भत्किसकेका छन् । कुडिया-४ का १० परिवार विस्थापित छन् ।
धनुषामा राहत वितरण गर्न दस केन्द्र स्थापना गरिएको छ । पीडितलाई चिउरा, चिनी, चाउचाउ, जीवनजल आदि उपलब्ध गराइएको छ ।
कैलालीमा १५ सय परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् ।
पाल्पामा तीन घर भत्किएका छन् । पीडित परिवार छिमेकीकामा शरण लिएर बसेका छन् । पहिराका कारण सवारी चल्न सकेका छैनन् ।
बाली नष्ट
बाढीबाट पूर्वमा करिब ४० हजार हेक्टर खेतको धानबाली नष्ट भएको छ । सिरहामा १८ हजार हेक्टर खेतमा लगाएको धानबाली डुबानमा परेको क्षेत्रीय कृषि कार्यालय विराटनगरले जनाएको छ । सप्तरीमा ५० हेक्टर खेत बाढीले कटान गरेको छ भने १५ हजार हेक्टर डुबानमा परेको छ । यहाँ १ हजार ५ सय हेक्टर खेत बालुवाले पुरेको छ । सुनसरीमा ५ हजार बिघाभन्दा बढीको धान र तरकारी बाली नष्ट भएको छ ।
राहत माग्दै प्रदर्शन
बाढीका कारण बेरोजगार सुनसरी इनरुवाका करिब ४ सय मजदुरले राहत माग गर्दै आइतबार साँझ प्रदर्शन गरेका छन् । उनीहरूले खाद्यान्न माग गर्दै प्रशासनमा धर्ना पनि दिए । जुलुसमा महिला, बालबालिकाको उल्लेख्य सहभागिता थियो । निमोनिया र ज्वरोका बिरामीको पनि जुलुसमा सहभागिता थियो । उनीहरूले इनरुवा बजार क्षेत्रमा नाराबाजी गरेका थिए । आक्रोशित समूहले प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी प्रेमनारायण शर्माको निवासमा धर्ना दिएका थिए । प्रहरीले धर्नाकारीलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिन बल प्रयोग गरेको थियो ।
Posted on: 2007-07-29 20:55:46
कान्तिपुर संवाददाता
काठमाडौं, साउन १३ - बाढीपहिरो र डुबान क्षेत्रका बासिन्दा सरुवा रोगबाट बिरामी पर्न थालेका छन् ।
पूर्वका मोरङ, धनुषा र पश्चिम नेपालका राप्तीपारिका गाउँ तथा डुबानमा परेको नेपालगन्जमा झाडापखाला, ज्वरो, टाइफाइट र रुघाखोकीबाट सयौं परेका छन् । तीमध्ये धेरै महिला, बालबालिका र वृद्धवृद्धा छन् ।
मोरङमा हजारभन्दा बढी ज्वरोबाट प्रभावित छन् । तीमध्ये केहीमा टाइफाइडको लक्षण देखिएको छ । धनुषामा बालबालिका र वृद्धवृद्धा बिरामी परेका छन् । राप्तीपारिका गाउँ र नेपालगन्जमा ४ सयभन्दा बढी झाडापखाला र ज्वरो प्रभावित छन् ।
मोरङ लेटाङवासी ज्वरो र टाइफाइडबाट बिरामी भएका हुन् । स्थानीय स्वास्थ्यकर्मी सीताराम लुइँटेलका अनुसार खोलाको धमिलो पानी खान सुरु गरेयता ज्वरोबाट बिरामी भएका हजारभन्दा बढी स्थानीयवासी उनका क्लिनिकमा उपचार गराउन आएका छन् । तीमध्ये धेरैलाई टाइफाइडको संक्रमण छ ।
'लेटाङका प्रायः सबै घरमा ज्वरो र टाइफाइडका बिरामी छन्,' उनले भने । स्थानीय तीनवटा स्वास्थ्य क्लिनिकमा तीन दिनदेखि ज्वरो र टाइफाइडका बिरामीको भीड लागेको छ ।
उपचार निम्ति आएकी स्थानीय चन्द्रकला तामाङले भनिन्- 'गाउँभरि ज्वरोका बिरामी छन्, डाक्टरले ज्वरो आउनुको कारण खराब पानी बताएका छन् ।' बाढीले खानेपानीका पाइप बगाउँदा ४० हजार स्थानीयवासी चिसाङ खोलाको धमिलो पानी खान बाध्य छन् ।
धनुषामा मठमन्दिर, विद्यालय तथा आफन्तका घरमा शरणमा बसेका विस्थापितहरूको स्वास्थ्य स्थिति बास, खानेकुरा तथा लुगाफाटाको अभावमा बिगि्रँदै गएको छ । बालबालिका र वृद्धवृद्धा बिरामी पर्न थालेका छन् । शुद्ध पिउने पानीको अभावमा झाडापखालाजस्ता रोग फैलिने सम्भावना बढेको छ । यहाँ ६ सयभन्दा बढी परिवारका करिब ४ हजार व्यक्ति विस्थापित छन् । यस्तै राप्तीपारिका गाउँका बालबालिका ज्वरो र रुघाखोकीबाट प्रभावित छन् ।
'भोकै बाढीमा भिजेर बस्नुपर्यो । म, केटाकेटी सबै बिरामी छौं,' बाढीग्रस्त बाँके गंगापुरकी रेशमा कुर्मीले भनिन् । त्यस्तै जइकाद कुर्मीले गाउँका दर्जनौं बालबालिका बिरामी परेको बताइन् । गंगापुर बाढीबाट अत्यधिक प्रभावित गाउँ हो ।
महामारी फैलन नदिन जिल्ला जनस्वास्थ्यले टोली खटाएर औषधोपचार सुरु गरेको छ । नेपालगन्ज, खजुरा, होलिया, बेतहनी, गंगापुर र वनकट्वामा स्वास्थ्यटोली पुगेको छ । 'झन्डै पाँच सय बिरामीको स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण गरायौं,' जनस्वास्थ्य अधिकृत केहरसिंह गोदारले भने- 'तीमध्ये चार सयजति झाडापखाला र ज्वरोका बिरामी छन् ।'
बाढी तथा डुबान क्षेत्रमा शुद्ध पिउने पानीको अभाव छ । नगरभित्र शनिबारदेखि दमकलबाट पानी वितरण सुरु गरिएको छ । पानी पिउनयोग्य पार्न युनिसेफले वाटरगाड उपलब्ध गराएको छ ।
बाढीबाट सबैभन्दा धेरै प्रभावित राप्तीपारिको गंगापुरमा आइतबार हेलिकप्टरबाट राहत सामग्री वितरण गरियो । रेडक्रस उपाध्यक्ष गोवर्द्धन सिंह सम्झनाका अनुसार राहतस्वरूप पाँच दिनलाई पुग्ने गरी १ हजार जनालाई चिउरा, भेली, चाउचाउ र बिस्कुट वितरण गरिएको छ ।
क्षति जारी
महोत्तरीमा ३ हजार ५ सय परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । उनीहरूले विद्यालय, गाविस भवन, सडकपेटी तथा आफन्तका घरमा शरण लिएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ । प्रतिकूल मौसम र अवरुद्ध सडकका कारण जलेश्वरबाहेक अन्यत्र राहत वितरण हुन सकेको छैन ।
रौतहटमा दुई दर्जन गाविसमा दुई सयभन्दा बढी घर भत्किएका छन् । क्षति भएका गाउँमा प्रशासनले आइतबारदेखि राहत वितरण सुरु गरेको छ । घर भत्किएका परिवारलाई ४ हजारका दरले राहत दिइएको छ ।
मोरङमा इटहरा, सिजुवा र बरडंगा गाविसका ६५ परिवार विस्थापित छन् ।
संखुवासभामा पाँच दिनदेखि उडान हुन सकेको छैन । सयौं यात्री तुम्लिङटार विमानस्थलमा अलपत्र छन् । आँखीभुइँ-८ का खेमराज विक, विश्वेश्वरा कार्की र जंगध्वज श्रेष्ठको घर पहिराले बगाएको छ । यहीँका ध्रुव विष्ट र दुई कार्की परिवार पहिरामा घर परेपछि विस्थापित छन् ।
सप्तरीमा पोर्ताहा-८ स्थित बाँध शनिबार राति भत्किँदा गिदखोरा, भुलवा, पोर्ताहा डुबानमा परेको छ । मुसहरी टोलका बासिन्दा रातिदेखि नै सडकमा बसिरहेका छन् । बाढीबाट ३ दर्जन गाउँका १० हजारभन्दा बढी परिवार विस्थापित छन् ।
गुल्मीमा राहत
पहिरामा परी मृत्यु भएका हंसरा गाविसका ७ परिवारलाई प्रतिपरिवार २० हजार रुपैयाँ वितरण गरिएको छ । शनिबार हंसरामा सात जनाको मृत्यु भएको थियो । रूपाकोट र गौंंडाकोट गाविसमा गरी १२ घर बगेका छन् ।
सिरहामा ६७ गाविस, दुई नगरपालिका डुबानमा पर्दा ६ हजार परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । दस हजार घर भत्केको नेपाल रेडक्रस सोसाइटी शाखा सिरहाका सभापति राजदेव यादवले बताए ।
पर्सामा करिब दुई हजार दुई सय घर डुबानमा छन् । पकाहा, धोरेलगायतका गाविस बढी प्रभावित छन् । ६५ पीडित परिवारलाई रेडक्रसले राहत वितरण गरेको छ ।
सुनसरीका तीन दर्जन बढी गाविस डुबानमा छन् भने दुई हजार सर्वसाधारण विस्थापित छन् । सुनसरी खोला, बुढी र टेङ्ग्रा खोलाको बाँध फुटेको छ भने कोसी नदीमा पानीको बहाव बढेकाले महेन्द्रनगर, प्रकाशपुर, कुसाहा र मधुवन गाविसमा त्रास फैलिएको छ ।
बर्दियामा बाढीले ३ हजार २ सय घरमा क्षति पुगेको छ । बबई र कणर्ालीमा आएको बाढीले ८ सय ५० परिवार विस्थापित छन् । आठवटा शिविरमा नअटेपछि उनीहरू सडकमा पाल टाँगेर र विद्यालयहरूमा आश्रय लिइरहेका छन् ।
नवलपरासीमा बाढीले सदरमुकाम परासीका पोखरापाली बजारलगायत दर्जनौं गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । मधवलिया, नबडिहवा, खडौंनाका गाउँवासी भाग्न नसकेर घरका छतमाथि बसेका छन् । सयौं कच्ची घर भत्किसकेका छन् । कुडिया-४ का १० परिवार विस्थापित छन् ।
धनुषामा राहत वितरण गर्न दस केन्द्र स्थापना गरिएको छ । पीडितलाई चिउरा, चिनी, चाउचाउ, जीवनजल आदि उपलब्ध गराइएको छ ।
कैलालीमा १५ सय परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् ।
पाल्पामा तीन घर भत्किएका छन् । पीडित परिवार छिमेकीकामा शरण लिएर बसेका छन् । पहिराका कारण सवारी चल्न सकेका छैनन् ।
बाली नष्ट
बाढीबाट पूर्वमा करिब ४० हजार हेक्टर खेतको धानबाली नष्ट भएको छ । सिरहामा १८ हजार हेक्टर खेतमा लगाएको धानबाली डुबानमा परेको क्षेत्रीय कृषि कार्यालय विराटनगरले जनाएको छ । सप्तरीमा ५० हेक्टर खेत बाढीले कटान गरेको छ भने १५ हजार हेक्टर डुबानमा परेको छ । यहाँ १ हजार ५ सय हेक्टर खेत बालुवाले पुरेको छ । सुनसरीमा ५ हजार बिघाभन्दा बढीको धान र तरकारी बाली नष्ट भएको छ ।
राहत माग्दै प्रदर्शन
बाढीका कारण बेरोजगार सुनसरी इनरुवाका करिब ४ सय मजदुरले राहत माग गर्दै आइतबार साँझ प्रदर्शन गरेका छन् । उनीहरूले खाद्यान्न माग गर्दै प्रशासनमा धर्ना पनि दिए । जुलुसमा महिला, बालबालिकाको उल्लेख्य सहभागिता थियो । निमोनिया र ज्वरोका बिरामीको पनि जुलुसमा सहभागिता थियो । उनीहरूले इनरुवा बजार क्षेत्रमा नाराबाजी गरेका थिए । आक्रोशित समूहले प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी प्रेमनारायण शर्माको निवासमा धर्ना दिएका थिए । प्रहरीले धर्नाकारीलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिन बल प्रयोग गरेको थियो ।
Posted on: 2007-07-29 20:55:46
Six children swept away by flood in Nawalparasi
Six children swept away by flood in Nawalparasi
Kantipur Report
NAWALPARASI, July 29 - Six children of a family died Sunday morning after they were swept away by the floods in Nawalparasi district.
They were sleeping when an overflowing Ram-khanda River battered the house belonging to Asmita Gupta at around 2 am.
However, the others managed to swim to safety.
Similarly, Panu Dev Sahani, 35, died when her house at Bagachauda village in Dhanusha district collapsed following floods in Pahadi River Saturday night.
Fifty families in the village have been displaced.
At least 17 more people had died on Saturday as floods and landslides continue to wreak havoc across the country.
In Saptari district, 35 year old Dinesh Shah of Goganpur died after lightening struck him Saturday night.
Police said, he was struck by the lightening while returning home from the field.
Similarly, at least a dozen people have died of gastroenteritis in Salyan district over the last three days.
Posted on: 2007-07-29 03:32:25 (Server Time)
Kantipur Report
NAWALPARASI, July 29 - Six children of a family died Sunday morning after they were swept away by the floods in Nawalparasi district.
They were sleeping when an overflowing Ram-khanda River battered the house belonging to Asmita Gupta at around 2 am.
However, the others managed to swim to safety.
Similarly, Panu Dev Sahani, 35, died when her house at Bagachauda village in Dhanusha district collapsed following floods in Pahadi River Saturday night.
Fifty families in the village have been displaced.
At least 17 more people had died on Saturday as floods and landslides continue to wreak havoc across the country.
In Saptari district, 35 year old Dinesh Shah of Goganpur died after lightening struck him Saturday night.
Police said, he was struck by the lightening while returning home from the field.
Similarly, at least a dozen people have died of gastroenteritis in Salyan district over the last three days.
Posted on: 2007-07-29 03:32:25 (Server Time)
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Flood toll reaches 74
Flood toll reaches 74
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, July 30 - Floods and landslides triggered by incessant rainfall across the country have claimed at least 74 lives as of Sunday evening, according to government and our district reports.
The Home Ministry confirmed the death of at least 69 people and three more deaths on Sunday while our district correspondents reported two more deaths in Udayapur and Dhanusha.
Meanwhile, the government, in coordination with concerned ministries and humanitarian agencies, has geared up relief efforts for calamity-hit people.
The Central Disaster Relief Committee (CDRC) on Sunday decided to ask the Health Ministry to dispatch medical teams to help prevent possible outbreak of epidemics, besides asking the Ministry of Physical Planning and Ministry of Water Resources to ensure swift delivery of drinking water and electricity supply to affected districts.
Similarly, the government has decided to provide Rs 25,000 to each family of the deceased and delegate more authority to all district-level Disaster Relief Committees, according to Pratap Kumar Pathak, chief of Natural Disaster Relief Section at the Home Ministry.
Speaking at a press conference at the Ministry, Pathak informed that civil society committees would be formed at district level to identify and distribute relief materials. Among others, CDRC would also appeal to all humanitarian and donor agencies for aid to address food deficiency in
disaster-hit areas.
The government has so far released Rs 22.5 million to expedite relief activities, Pathak added. "Efforts are on to provide food, pure drinking water and temporary
shelters to the victims."
According to available data, floods and landslides have displaced at least 87,649 members of 15,879 families, destroyed at least 746
houses excluding 485 partially
damaged houses due to rainfall in different parts of the country. At least 206 livestock are reported to killed.
Dr Manas Banerjee, chief of the Department of Epidemiology and Disease Control at the Health Ministry, said that separate medical teams for diarrhea, snake bites and injuries have already been sent to the respective districts.
Nepal Medical Association and medical colleges have been asked to send medical teams to affected
areas. "We have made necessary arrangement to procure and distribute medicines needed for the victims," he said.
Dev Ratna Dhakwa, General Secretary of Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), said NRCS has already dispatched 8,100 kg of beaten rice, 645 kg of sugar, 580 cartons of noodles from Kathmandu to the respective districts. "Local level Red Cross has provided much relief to affected communities," he added.
Meanwhile, the Cabinet meeting held today decided to release Rs 50 million as relief for flood and landslide victims. Likewise, all cabinet ministers have announced they will provide 7-days salary for the cause of victims.
Posted on: 2007-07-29 20:25:50 (Server Time)
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, July 30 - Floods and landslides triggered by incessant rainfall across the country have claimed at least 74 lives as of Sunday evening, according to government and our district reports.
The Home Ministry confirmed the death of at least 69 people and three more deaths on Sunday while our district correspondents reported two more deaths in Udayapur and Dhanusha.
Meanwhile, the government, in coordination with concerned ministries and humanitarian agencies, has geared up relief efforts for calamity-hit people.
The Central Disaster Relief Committee (CDRC) on Sunday decided to ask the Health Ministry to dispatch medical teams to help prevent possible outbreak of epidemics, besides asking the Ministry of Physical Planning and Ministry of Water Resources to ensure swift delivery of drinking water and electricity supply to affected districts.
Similarly, the government has decided to provide Rs 25,000 to each family of the deceased and delegate more authority to all district-level Disaster Relief Committees, according to Pratap Kumar Pathak, chief of Natural Disaster Relief Section at the Home Ministry.
Speaking at a press conference at the Ministry, Pathak informed that civil society committees would be formed at district level to identify and distribute relief materials. Among others, CDRC would also appeal to all humanitarian and donor agencies for aid to address food deficiency in
disaster-hit areas.
The government has so far released Rs 22.5 million to expedite relief activities, Pathak added. "Efforts are on to provide food, pure drinking water and temporary
shelters to the victims."
According to available data, floods and landslides have displaced at least 87,649 members of 15,879 families, destroyed at least 746
houses excluding 485 partially
damaged houses due to rainfall in different parts of the country. At least 206 livestock are reported to killed.
Dr Manas Banerjee, chief of the Department of Epidemiology and Disease Control at the Health Ministry, said that separate medical teams for diarrhea, snake bites and injuries have already been sent to the respective districts.
Nepal Medical Association and medical colleges have been asked to send medical teams to affected
areas. "We have made necessary arrangement to procure and distribute medicines needed for the victims," he said.
Dev Ratna Dhakwa, General Secretary of Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS), said NRCS has already dispatched 8,100 kg of beaten rice, 645 kg of sugar, 580 cartons of noodles from Kathmandu to the respective districts. "Local level Red Cross has provided much relief to affected communities," he added.
Meanwhile, the Cabinet meeting held today decided to release Rs 50 million as relief for flood and landslide victims. Likewise, all cabinet ministers have announced they will provide 7-days salary for the cause of victims.
Posted on: 2007-07-29 20:25:50 (Server Time)
700 Maoist combatants of Shaktikhor camp fall ill
700 Maoist combatants of Shaktikhor camp fall ill
Some 700 Maoist fighters at the Shaktikhor cantonment in Chitwan district have fallen sick.
According to 'Binod', the health chief of the camp, most of the combatants of the camp are suffering from viral infection since a week due to contaminated drinking water and are running high fever. Some of them have also been afflicted from typhoid, jaundice and other skin diseases. Their condition has become critical due to lack of medical treatment.
Binod said some 700 have already been afflicted with one or the other disease and the number is growing with each passing day. "The combatants are receiving primary treatment at the 10-bed hospital in the main cantonment. But they are not getting sufficient rest due to lack of proper management in their camps," Binod said.
He said the camps haven't yet received all the medicine supplies even though the District Health chief has already been informed about the problem.
The Maoist combatants have fallen sick after drinking water from the river which has become contaminated due to floods in recent days. The camp lacks proper management of drinking water. nepalnews.com ag July 30 07
Some 700 Maoist fighters at the Shaktikhor cantonment in Chitwan district have fallen sick.
According to 'Binod', the health chief of the camp, most of the combatants of the camp are suffering from viral infection since a week due to contaminated drinking water and are running high fever. Some of them have also been afflicted from typhoid, jaundice and other skin diseases. Their condition has become critical due to lack of medical treatment.
Binod said some 700 have already been afflicted with one or the other disease and the number is growing with each passing day. "The combatants are receiving primary treatment at the 10-bed hospital in the main cantonment. But they are not getting sufficient rest due to lack of proper management in their camps," Binod said.
He said the camps haven't yet received all the medicine supplies even though the District Health chief has already been informed about the problem.
The Maoist combatants have fallen sick after drinking water from the river which has become contaminated due to floods in recent days. The camp lacks proper management of drinking water. nepalnews.com ag July 30 07
12 succumb to diarrhoea in Salyan
12 succumb to diarrhoea in Salyan
At least 12 villagers, mostly children, have died in an outbreak of diarrhoea in two VDCs of Salyan district since Thursday.
The deaths were reported in Ward no. 6, 4 and 2 of Kalagaon VDC and Ward no. 4 of Marmaparikanda VDC.
Several others have been suffering from diarrhoea caused by polluted drinking water. Lack of toilets in the villages is causing fast spread of the disease, reports say.
Following complaints of lack of medicines in local health posts, the District Public Health Office has sent a team of health workers to the affected areas with medicines. nepalnews.com mk July 29 07
12 die in Salyan
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, July 29 - At least 12 people have been confirmed dead in the last three days due to an outbreak of diarrhea in Marmaparikanda and Kalagaon in Salyan.
In the epidemic of diarrhea, 4 people of Kauchegaon in Kalagaon-6, 2 people of Jharkanda and 2 people of Bahundanda have lost their lives. And 4 children have died in the Marmaparikanda VDC.
It has been suspected that the deceased died due to lack of medical treatment.
Meanwhile, at least, additional more than two dozen people have been infected.
Sources said that the local health post was in short supply of medicines and the health workers have been staying in leave.
Salyan District Office chief Dr Khageshwar Gelan informed that a team of health workers with medicines have been deployed in the affected region after learning about the incident last evening.
Posted on: 2007-07-29 01:37:14 (Server Time)
At least 12 villagers, mostly children, have died in an outbreak of diarrhoea in two VDCs of Salyan district since Thursday.
The deaths were reported in Ward no. 6, 4 and 2 of Kalagaon VDC and Ward no. 4 of Marmaparikanda VDC.
Several others have been suffering from diarrhoea caused by polluted drinking water. Lack of toilets in the villages is causing fast spread of the disease, reports say.
Following complaints of lack of medicines in local health posts, the District Public Health Office has sent a team of health workers to the affected areas with medicines. nepalnews.com mk July 29 07
12 die in Salyan
Kantipur Report
KATHMANDU, July 29 - At least 12 people have been confirmed dead in the last three days due to an outbreak of diarrhea in Marmaparikanda and Kalagaon in Salyan.
In the epidemic of diarrhea, 4 people of Kauchegaon in Kalagaon-6, 2 people of Jharkanda and 2 people of Bahundanda have lost their lives. And 4 children have died in the Marmaparikanda VDC.
It has been suspected that the deceased died due to lack of medical treatment.
Meanwhile, at least, additional more than two dozen people have been infected.
Sources said that the local health post was in short supply of medicines and the health workers have been staying in leave.
Salyan District Office chief Dr Khageshwar Gelan informed that a team of health workers with medicines have been deployed in the affected region after learning about the incident last evening.
Posted on: 2007-07-29 01:37:14 (Server Time)
Flood leaves thousands stranded; four more killed
Flood leaves thousands stranded; four more killed
Flood triggered by torrential monsoon rainfall has continued to strike the southern plains from east to west across the country.
Four more persons have perished due to flood and landslide. Taraba Urau, a 50-year-old woman, was swept away by a swollen canal in Banigama of Morang district on Thursday night. Likewise, a lady died after being crushed by a house that collapsed due to flooding in Khadihani of Dhanusha district.
A boy was killed by flood in Mahottari district while another perished in a landslide in Ramechhap.
Kantipur daily has reported that over 14,000 families have been displaced due to flood in various parts of the country. It reported that 8000 families were displaced in eastern Terai and hilly region; 2500 families were displaced in Bardiya district; 2000 families in Parsa; and 1500 families in Banke district.
Nepalgunj has been one of the worst affected regions. The city is waterlogged and flood waters have rushed inside homes. Educational institutions, factories, government offices, schools and markets are closed down. The city has been reeling under power black-out since last two days. Even water supply has been affected. Local FM radio broadcasts and newspapers coming out of the city have also stopped. People have rushed towards higher grounds – rooftops and community buildings – fearing inundation.
Meanwhile, according to reports quoting Home Ministry records, around 50 persons have already died in this year's monsoon season due to floods and landslides. nepalnews.com sd Jul 28 07
Flood triggered by torrential monsoon rainfall has continued to strike the southern plains from east to west across the country.
Four more persons have perished due to flood and landslide. Taraba Urau, a 50-year-old woman, was swept away by a swollen canal in Banigama of Morang district on Thursday night. Likewise, a lady died after being crushed by a house that collapsed due to flooding in Khadihani of Dhanusha district.
A boy was killed by flood in Mahottari district while another perished in a landslide in Ramechhap.
Kantipur daily has reported that over 14,000 families have been displaced due to flood in various parts of the country. It reported that 8000 families were displaced in eastern Terai and hilly region; 2500 families were displaced in Bardiya district; 2000 families in Parsa; and 1500 families in Banke district.
Nepalgunj has been one of the worst affected regions. The city is waterlogged and flood waters have rushed inside homes. Educational institutions, factories, government offices, schools and markets are closed down. The city has been reeling under power black-out since last two days. Even water supply has been affected. Local FM radio broadcasts and newspapers coming out of the city have also stopped. People have rushed towards higher grounds – rooftops and community buildings – fearing inundation.
Meanwhile, according to reports quoting Home Ministry records, around 50 persons have already died in this year's monsoon season due to floods and landslides. nepalnews.com sd Jul 28 07
MPs to donate five days salary to flood victims
MPs to donate five days salary to flood victims
The members of the interim parliament on Saturday offered their five days salary to the flood victims.
The MPs announced the donation to the flood victims following an appeal by Speaker Subash Nemwang. Speaking during the House sitting today, the MPs asked the government to speed up the rescue operation and relief efforts in flood-hit areas of mid-western and eastern Terai.
Answering the parliament, Home Minister Krishna Prasad Situala said the government was trying to reach out to as many flood-hit areas as possible, but its works were marred by bad weather.
At least a dozen people have died while thousands of people have been displaced due to floods in Banke, Bardiya, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Saptari, Sunsari, Kapilbvastu, Siraha, Rupandeshi and some other Terai districts. Worst effect is seen in Bankes’s Nepalgunj and Jaleshwor in Dhanusha where most of the human settlements have been inundated. nepalnews.com mk July 28 07
The members of the interim parliament on Saturday offered their five days salary to the flood victims.
The MPs announced the donation to the flood victims following an appeal by Speaker Subash Nemwang. Speaking during the House sitting today, the MPs asked the government to speed up the rescue operation and relief efforts in flood-hit areas of mid-western and eastern Terai.
Answering the parliament, Home Minister Krishna Prasad Situala said the government was trying to reach out to as many flood-hit areas as possible, but its works were marred by bad weather.
At least a dozen people have died while thousands of people have been displaced due to floods in Banke, Bardiya, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Saptari, Sunsari, Kapilbvastu, Siraha, Rupandeshi and some other Terai districts. Worst effect is seen in Bankes’s Nepalgunj and Jaleshwor in Dhanusha where most of the human settlements have been inundated. nepalnews.com mk July 28 07
Bad weather hampers relief efforts in flood-hit areas
Bad weather hampers relief efforts in flood-hit areas
Tough weather condition and destroyed road networks have hampered the government's efforts to dispatch rescue teams with relief package for flood victims.
Local administrations in flood-hit Terai districts have said continued rainfall has hindered the rescur and relief operations. However, the Parsa administration managed to drop food items in some villages around the district headquarters from a helicopter.
With continuous rainfall the water level in affected areas is rising, further complicating the situation.
The rescue teams of Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force with essential foodstuff have been kept ready from Friday in Kathmandu. The Home ministry said the helicopters could not fly due to bad weather condition. Nepal Red Cross Society team has also been kept ready.
Rescue operation would start as soon as the weather condition improves, the ministry said. Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula today informed the parliament that relief support would be immediately dispatched to flood affected areas. nepalnews.com ia July 28 07
Tough weather condition and destroyed road networks have hampered the government's efforts to dispatch rescue teams with relief package for flood victims.
Local administrations in flood-hit Terai districts have said continued rainfall has hindered the rescur and relief operations. However, the Parsa administration managed to drop food items in some villages around the district headquarters from a helicopter.
With continuous rainfall the water level in affected areas is rising, further complicating the situation.
The rescue teams of Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force with essential foodstuff have been kept ready from Friday in Kathmandu. The Home ministry said the helicopters could not fly due to bad weather condition. Nepal Red Cross Society team has also been kept ready.
Rescue operation would start as soon as the weather condition improves, the ministry said. Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula today informed the parliament that relief support would be immediately dispatched to flood affected areas. nepalnews.com ia July 28 07
Govt intensifies rescue efforts in flood-hit districts; NC, CPN-M to mobilise cadres
Govt intensifies rescue efforts in flood-hit districts; NC, CPN-M to mobilise cadres
Although the government has said it has intensified relief and rescue operations in flood-hit areas it still hasn’t been quite effective.
As incessant rain continues to aggravate the situation in flood-hit areas of Terai region, government’s rescue works have been seriously affected, leaving the flood victims in serious want of food, safe drinking water, clothes and accommodations.
According to Baman Prasad Nepane, spokesperson at the Home Ministry, the government has intensified the distribution of relief materials in flood and landslides affected areas, but he admitted that bad weather conditions have caused some difficulty in carrying out rescue operations in some districts.
As eastern and central Terai region has witnessed heavy rainfall today morning also rescue teams are facing all sorts of difficulties on the ground.
According to the Department of Meteorology, the downpour will continue as there are still many days left for the monsoon season to end.
In the face of difficulties, the government has deployed the army, Armed Police Force and Nepal Police to carry out rescue operations in flood and landslide affected districts.
More than three dozen people have died in floods, while thousands of families have been displaced in Terai districts. At least 10 deaths were reported on Sunday.
Floods have badly affected life in districts like Jhapa, Morang, Siraha, Sarlahi, Udaypur, Bara, Parsa, Rautahat, Mahottari, Dhanusha and Saptari while western districts like Banke, Bardiya and Kailali have also witnessed death and destruction.
Meanwhile, the Nepali Congress (NC) has constituted Relief and Rescue Committee headed by party general secretary K.B Gurung Sunday in order to intensify rescue efforts in flood-hit areas.
A meeting of NC Central Working Committee (CWC) held at Prime Minister’s residence today morning formed the committee. The committee also decided to collect donations, keep record of the loss of lives and property in floods and landslides and will also mobilise its local activists for providing immediate relief to the victims.
The meeting has also asked the government to intensify rescue efforts in the affected districts.
Meanwhile, the CPN (Maoist) has also directed the party’s youth wing, Young Communist League, to involve in rescue and relief operations in flood-hit areas.
Similarly, the Nepal Medical Association (NMA) has decided to work with the government to mitigate the outbreak of disease in the flood-hit districts.
The association has called on all doctors and health-workers associated with it to be ready to take on the challenge of providing immediate health service in the affected areas. nepalnews.com ag July 29 07
Although the government has said it has intensified relief and rescue operations in flood-hit areas it still hasn’t been quite effective.
As incessant rain continues to aggravate the situation in flood-hit areas of Terai region, government’s rescue works have been seriously affected, leaving the flood victims in serious want of food, safe drinking water, clothes and accommodations.
According to Baman Prasad Nepane, spokesperson at the Home Ministry, the government has intensified the distribution of relief materials in flood and landslides affected areas, but he admitted that bad weather conditions have caused some difficulty in carrying out rescue operations in some districts.
As eastern and central Terai region has witnessed heavy rainfall today morning also rescue teams are facing all sorts of difficulties on the ground.
According to the Department of Meteorology, the downpour will continue as there are still many days left for the monsoon season to end.
In the face of difficulties, the government has deployed the army, Armed Police Force and Nepal Police to carry out rescue operations in flood and landslide affected districts.
More than three dozen people have died in floods, while thousands of families have been displaced in Terai districts. At least 10 deaths were reported on Sunday.
Floods have badly affected life in districts like Jhapa, Morang, Siraha, Sarlahi, Udaypur, Bara, Parsa, Rautahat, Mahottari, Dhanusha and Saptari while western districts like Banke, Bardiya and Kailali have also witnessed death and destruction.
Meanwhile, the Nepali Congress (NC) has constituted Relief and Rescue Committee headed by party general secretary K.B Gurung Sunday in order to intensify rescue efforts in flood-hit areas.
A meeting of NC Central Working Committee (CWC) held at Prime Minister’s residence today morning formed the committee. The committee also decided to collect donations, keep record of the loss of lives and property in floods and landslides and will also mobilise its local activists for providing immediate relief to the victims.
The meeting has also asked the government to intensify rescue efforts in the affected districts.
Meanwhile, the CPN (Maoist) has also directed the party’s youth wing, Young Communist League, to involve in rescue and relief operations in flood-hit areas.
Similarly, the Nepal Medical Association (NMA) has decided to work with the government to mitigate the outbreak of disease in the flood-hit districts.
The association has called on all doctors and health-workers associated with it to be ready to take on the challenge of providing immediate health service in the affected areas. nepalnews.com ag July 29 07
Over 16,000 families displaced by floods; death toll hits 72
Over 16,000 families displaced by floods; death toll hits 72
Nearly 80,000 people of 16,000 families have been displaced due to floods and landslides in different parts of the country.
According to the Home Ministry’s Central Natural Disaster Rescue and Relief Coordination Centre, altogether 72 people have died in floods and landslides. Officials said the government had speeded up the rescue and relief efforts in the flood-hit areas in Terai districts with the help of security agencies and other organisations.
Four Nepal Army helicopters and one each helicopter from the UNMIN and Simrik Air are being mobilised for distribution of relief materials in flood-hit areas in Terai.
Officials also informed that the relief amount for the families of the victims of natural calamities had been increased to Rs 25,000 each from the earlier Rs 15,000.
At least nine flood-related deaths were reported Sunday alone. Reports said four persons died in Siraha, two each in Mahottari and Bara while the body of a child missing in floods in Rautahat was recovered today.
Additionally, there were unconfirmed reports of five children of a same family in Nawalparasi being swept away in floods. nepalnews.com
sd/mk Jul 29 07
Death toll from deadly deluge 40
Himalayan News Service
Rautahat, July 29:
The death toll due to floods and landslides triggered by incessant rains reached 40 today, with thousands of houses remaining waterlogged in most districts of the country’s Tarai region.
In Jhapa district, 30-year-old Anupa Magar of Rajgarh-6 was swept away by the Bhutni Khola today, said the area police office.
In Mahottari district, 54-year-old Banarasi Chaudhari of Badiya’s Banchauri-4 died in a house collapse last evening, said the district police office.
Rautahat’s Sapgadha-10 resident Faizul haque’s six-year-old daughter Anjuman Khatun drowned last night in Bakaiya River near her house. Her body was recovered today, said the area police office.
A pregnant Shakuntala Devi, 30, of Rampur Khap-4, also died last night when she could not get medical treatment on time, said her husband Ram Kishore Kushwaha. In Bara, Pritam Kumari, the two-year-old daughter of Moti Mahara of Prasauna-9, drowned in a stream last night when water from the flooded Teear khola swamped the stream, said a local Jan Bahadur Shah.
Thousands of families have been displaced due to the floods in Morang, Jhapa, Sunsari, Saptari, Sarlahi, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Nawalparasi, Kapilvastu, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Rupandehi, Udaypur and other districts. In Mahottari, Ram Sakhi Paswan of Pipra VDC died today when his house collapsed.
Kapil Dev Lal Karna of Suda VDC and a 15-day-old infant of Jaleshwor died of pneumonia caused by flood waters today, police said.
Nearly 80,000 people of 16,000 families have been displaced due to floods and landslides in different parts of the country.
According to the Home Ministry’s Central Natural Disaster Rescue and Relief Coordination Centre, altogether 72 people have died in floods and landslides. Officials said the government had speeded up the rescue and relief efforts in the flood-hit areas in Terai districts with the help of security agencies and other organisations.
Four Nepal Army helicopters and one each helicopter from the UNMIN and Simrik Air are being mobilised for distribution of relief materials in flood-hit areas in Terai.
Officials also informed that the relief amount for the families of the victims of natural calamities had been increased to Rs 25,000 each from the earlier Rs 15,000.
At least nine flood-related deaths were reported Sunday alone. Reports said four persons died in Siraha, two each in Mahottari and Bara while the body of a child missing in floods in Rautahat was recovered today.
Additionally, there were unconfirmed reports of five children of a same family in Nawalparasi being swept away in floods. nepalnews.com
sd/mk Jul 29 07
Death toll from deadly deluge 40
Himalayan News Service
Rautahat, July 29:
The death toll due to floods and landslides triggered by incessant rains reached 40 today, with thousands of houses remaining waterlogged in most districts of the country’s Tarai region.
In Jhapa district, 30-year-old Anupa Magar of Rajgarh-6 was swept away by the Bhutni Khola today, said the area police office.
In Mahottari district, 54-year-old Banarasi Chaudhari of Badiya’s Banchauri-4 died in a house collapse last evening, said the district police office.
Rautahat’s Sapgadha-10 resident Faizul haque’s six-year-old daughter Anjuman Khatun drowned last night in Bakaiya River near her house. Her body was recovered today, said the area police office.
A pregnant Shakuntala Devi, 30, of Rampur Khap-4, also died last night when she could not get medical treatment on time, said her husband Ram Kishore Kushwaha. In Bara, Pritam Kumari, the two-year-old daughter of Moti Mahara of Prasauna-9, drowned in a stream last night when water from the flooded Teear khola swamped the stream, said a local Jan Bahadur Shah.
Thousands of families have been displaced due to the floods in Morang, Jhapa, Sunsari, Saptari, Sarlahi, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Nawalparasi, Kapilvastu, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Rupandehi, Udaypur and other districts. In Mahottari, Ram Sakhi Paswan of Pipra VDC died today when his house collapsed.
Kapil Dev Lal Karna of Suda VDC and a 15-day-old infant of Jaleshwor died of pneumonia caused by flood waters today, police said.
Govt announces Rs 50 million as emergency relief to flood victims
Govt announces Rs 50 million as emergency relief to flood victims
An emergency meeting of the Council of Ministers Sunday decided to release Rs 50 million as immediate relief to flood and landslides victims across the country.
The half-hour cabinet meeting held at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar in the afternoon came up with the decision. Minister for Information and Communication Krishna Bahadur Mahara told reporters that all cabinet members had decided to donate seven percent of their one month salary to the flood victims.
The cabinet meeting also decided to appeal to national and international donors to contribute to the government’s relief efforts.
The emergency cabinet meeting came in the wake of widespread devastation and loss of lives in several Terai districts due to flash floods caused by heavy rainfall over the last few days. nepalnews.com mk July 29 07
An emergency meeting of the Council of Ministers Sunday decided to release Rs 50 million as immediate relief to flood and landslides victims across the country.
The half-hour cabinet meeting held at the Prime Minister’s residence in Baluwatar in the afternoon came up with the decision. Minister for Information and Communication Krishna Bahadur Mahara told reporters that all cabinet members had decided to donate seven percent of their one month salary to the flood victims.
The cabinet meeting also decided to appeal to national and international donors to contribute to the government’s relief efforts.
The emergency cabinet meeting came in the wake of widespread devastation and loss of lives in several Terai districts due to flash floods caused by heavy rainfall over the last few days. nepalnews.com mk July 29 07
Rains are receding: NOAA CPC prediction for July 29 - August 5, 2007
Monsoon Highlights:
The rainfall synopsis for Nepal for July 29-August 5: The area under very heavy rains (150mm and more) is very less today (5-8% from 90% last week), and the area under just heavy rains (100 mm or so) is just 35%. Situation seems to be slightly improving; actually little rain in the eastern part of the country across the hills and plains. However, heavy rains are predicted in the far-west part of the country, especially in the plains and hills of Kanchanpur, Kailali, Bardiya, and Banke. Surkhet valley will have high rains as in the past, no less. Although the above terai districts will have heavy rains, the extent or the area of heavy rain is small, and is localized, so the flooding will continue at smaller intensity than the last few days.
Image 1: SOuth Asia Rainfall Prediction
The Terai districts of western and central Nepal - that are Kapilbastu, Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Chitwan and Makwanpur will get rains above 150mm, same as last week, but, the upper reach of the streams in the area will have less rains. So, there is less chance of having serious and consistent flooding, although it is not possible to completely rule out possibility of flooding and submergence of settlements and infrastructure under flood water.
Eastern Nepal, especially, Jhapa will get regular high rains at its south-east part, but only few damaging incidents are expected there. The area upstream has less percentage area of high rains there.
Image 2: Asia Continent Rainfall Prediction
Bangladesh, India: The north-east part of india continues receiving heavy rains, although the rain concentrations are shifting more towards Madhya Pradesh and western part of UP and Bihar. The extent of rain area is not that widespread as in the last week. The western ghats of India rains are receding. However, the rain effect in Bangladesh continues to remain unchanged, due to continuation of heavy rains in Assam, Meghalaya and North half of Bangladesh, albeit the southern delta area seems to have relieved a bit. Here, the flow and submergence depends on what happens in the catchments of the Ganges and Brahmaputra anyway.
More updates tomorrow!
Thanks to NOAA CPC, who have presented rainfall prediction images for Asia.
The rainfall synopsis for Nepal for July 29-August 5: The area under very heavy rains (150mm and more) is very less today (5-8% from 90% last week), and the area under just heavy rains (100 mm or so) is just 35%. Situation seems to be slightly improving; actually little rain in the eastern part of the country across the hills and plains. However, heavy rains are predicted in the far-west part of the country, especially in the plains and hills of Kanchanpur, Kailali, Bardiya, and Banke. Surkhet valley will have high rains as in the past, no less. Although the above terai districts will have heavy rains, the extent or the area of heavy rain is small, and is localized, so the flooding will continue at smaller intensity than the last few days.
Image 1: SOuth Asia Rainfall Prediction
The Terai districts of western and central Nepal - that are Kapilbastu, Rupandehi, Nawalparasi, Chitwan and Makwanpur will get rains above 150mm, same as last week, but, the upper reach of the streams in the area will have less rains. So, there is less chance of having serious and consistent flooding, although it is not possible to completely rule out possibility of flooding and submergence of settlements and infrastructure under flood water.
Eastern Nepal, especially, Jhapa will get regular high rains at its south-east part, but only few damaging incidents are expected there. The area upstream has less percentage area of high rains there.
Image 2: Asia Continent Rainfall Prediction
Bangladesh, India: The north-east part of india continues receiving heavy rains, although the rain concentrations are shifting more towards Madhya Pradesh and western part of UP and Bihar. The extent of rain area is not that widespread as in the last week. The western ghats of India rains are receding. However, the rain effect in Bangladesh continues to remain unchanged, due to continuation of heavy rains in Assam, Meghalaya and North half of Bangladesh, albeit the southern delta area seems to have relieved a bit. Here, the flow and submergence depends on what happens in the catchments of the Ganges and Brahmaputra anyway.
More updates tomorrow!
Thanks to NOAA CPC, who have presented rainfall prediction images for Asia.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Getting seriously into a troubled monsoon 2007 for Nepal: Rainfall Prediction July 26- Aug 2, 2007
Once agaiin the news is that Nepal is getting serious monsoon rains , find below the image updates from NOAA CPC for July 26-Aug 2, 2007.
Thanks to NOAA Climate Prediction Center for their valuable images. The text that follows are interpretations made based on the data.
Rainfall over Nepal: a synopsis
Image 1: Rainfall prediction for South Asia, subset of Image 2 below
Continuing from July 26, 2007 post: There is new image depicting heavier rain (>150mm) spread to about 60% of the land area of Nepal, as compared to only 5% in yesterdays. Many houses are submerged in Bardia and other Terai districts. Expect increase in such reports to more areas in Terai, especially the low lying areas of the Terai. This is getting seriously into a troubled monsoon for Nepal.
Rainfall over Bangladesh & India:
The rainfal volume is increasing in Bangladesh, continuing yesterday's post - more flooded land in Bangladesh.
There is similar pattern over the north,northeast India. The western ghats of India is maximum rains constantly for last couple of days. Expect heavy monsoon choking in several places there.
Image 2: Rainfall prediction for Asia
Thanks to NOAA Climate Prediction Center for their valuable images. The text that follows are interpretations made based on the data.
Rainfall over Nepal: a synopsis
Image 1: Rainfall prediction for South Asia, subset of Image 2 below
Continuing from July 26, 2007 post: There is new image depicting heavier rain (>150mm) spread to about 60% of the land area of Nepal, as compared to only 5% in yesterdays. Many houses are submerged in Bardia and other Terai districts. Expect increase in such reports to more areas in Terai, especially the low lying areas of the Terai. This is getting seriously into a troubled monsoon for Nepal.
Rainfall over Bangladesh & India:
The rainfal volume is increasing in Bangladesh, continuing yesterday's post - more flooded land in Bangladesh.
There is similar pattern over the north,northeast India. The western ghats of India is maximum rains constantly for last couple of days. Expect heavy monsoon choking in several places there.
Image 2: Rainfall prediction for Asia
२५ सय परिवार विस्थापित
२५ सय परिवार विस्थापित
कान्तिपुर संवाददाता
काठमाडौं, साउन १० - अविरल वषर्ाले मुलुकका विभिन्न भागको जनजीवन थप प्रभावित भएको
छ । पहिरोमा परी सल्यानमा एकै परिवारका ५ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । सप्तरीमा बाढीले बगाउँदा थप एक बालिकाको मृत्यु भएको छ । कयौं घाइते भएका छन् । घर बगाउँदा र डुबानमा पर्दा कम्तीमा २५ सय परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । डुबानमा परेका घरको छतमा बसेकाहरूको उद्धार गर्न सकिएको छैन ।
धेरै स्थानमा यातायात र आवत-जावत अवरुद्ध भएको छ । सयौं यात्रु अलपत्र परेका छन् । विद्यालयलगायतका सार्वजनिक सरोकारका निकाय बन्द भएका छन् । कैयौं ठाउँमा विद्युत् अवरुद्ध हुन पुगेको छ । हजारौं पीडितहरू विद्यालय र सार्वजनिक स्थलमा शरण लिएर बसेका छन् । विभिन्न ठाउँमा दैनिक उपभोग्य वस्तुको अभाव हुन थालेको छ । घटना धेरै ठाउँमा भएका र वषर्ा अविरल भइरहेकाले उद्धारमा अप्ठ्यारो परेको छ । प्रशासन सबै ठाउँमा पुग्न नसक्दा क्षतिको यकिन विवरण प्राप्त हुन सकेको छैन ।
सल्यानको विकट काप्रेचौर गाविस ३ छरछरेमा बिहीबार बिहान पहिरोले घर पुरिँदा एकै घरका ५ जनाको मृत्यु भएको हो । मृत्यु हुनेमा ढालबहादुर राम्जाली, उनकी श्रीमती र छोराछोरी छन् ।
परिवारका दुई बच्चा भने बच्न सफल भएका छन् । पहिरो आइरहेकाले उद्धारमा कठिनाइ भइरहेको स्थानीय बासिन्दाले जनाएका छन् । जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले काप्रेचौरबाट नजिक पर्ने कालिमाटी चौकीलाई खटाइएको जनाएको छ ।
यस्तै मोहली खोलामा आएको बाढीले बगाउँदा सप्तरी बकधुवा-९ का लालु दासकी १२ वषर्ीया छोरी ममताको बिहीबार मृत्यु भएको छ । बिहान दाउरा खोज्न जाँदा उनलाई खोलाले बगाएको थियो ।
बर्दियाको बबई र कणर्ाली नदीमा आएको बाढीले बिहीबार करिब दुई हजार परिवार विस्थापित भएका
छन् । उनीहरूले राजमार्गको छेउ र स्थानीय विद्यालयमा शरण लिएका छन् । गुलरिया नगरपालिकाको बालापुर, तुलसीपुर, रामपुर टप्पु, रत्नापुर, मडहजिया, थपुवा, कोठिया गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । महम्मदपुर गाविसको सूर्यगौडी, टडुवा, जमुनी गाविस-१ फुटहा, बगनाहा गाविस-२ मुक्त कमैया बस्ती, भिम्मापुर गाविस-७, भालुफाँटलगायत ठाउँमा बाढीले २ हजार घरपरिवार विस्थापित भएको जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयका प्रशासकीय अधिकृत केशव शर्माले जनाएका छन् ।
३२ केभी प्रसारण लाइनको कयौं पोल बगाएकाले बिहानदेखि जिल्लामा विद्युत् आपूर्ति ठप्प छ । बाढी नघटेसम्म विद्युत् आपूर्ति नहुने विद्युत् प्राधिकरणले जनाएको छ । गुलरिया-नेपालगन्ज सडक र भुरीगाउँ ढोढरी सडकमाथि पानी बगेकाले यातायात बन्द छ । गुलरिया-१३ मजहडिया र बाँध पुरुवालगायत महम्मदपुर गाविस-सूर्यगौडीमा घरका छतमाथि बसेका करिब २५ जनाको उद्धार गर्न कठिनाइ भएको डीएसपी कमल खरेलले बताए । सिद्धि बक्स गण, सशस्त्र प्रहरी र जनपथ प्रहरी बाढीपीडितको उद्धारका लागि खटिएका छन् । प्रतिकूल मौसम र र्यापरको अभावमा छतमाथि बसेकाको उद्धार गर्न नसकिएको खरेलले बताए ।
कणर्ाली नदीको टप्पु राजापुर जोड्ने जलमार्ग कोठियाघाटमा बाढीका कारण डुंगा, स्टिमर ठप्प भएकाले सयौं यात्रु अलपत्र परेको एमाले जिल्ला कमिटी उपसचिव हरि ज्ञवालीले बताए । टप्पुको मनाउ, खैरीचन्दनपुद्युर, राजापुरलगायत गाविसमा बाढीले सयौं घर डुबानमा परेका छन् । विस्थापितका लागि खाने, बस्ने व्यवस्था गर्न नेपाल रेडक्रस जिल्ला शाखाको पहलमा आठ दललगायत विभिन्न संघ-संस्था परिचालित छन् ।
रौतहटको दुई दर्जन गाविसमा एक सय बढी घर भत्किएका छन् । घर भत्किँदा जिङ्गडवा बेलबिछुवा गाविसका शेष अतिउल्लाहका ५ वषर्ीय छोरा थिचिएर घाइते भएका छन् । उनको वीरगन्जमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । जिल्लाको गौर नपा, औरैया, इनरबारी, मिठुअवा, अजगैबी, जिङ्गडवा, करुनिया, इनर्बा, पथराबुधरामपुर, भषेडवा, धरमुरपुर लगायत दुई दर्जन गाविसमा एक सय बढी घर भत्किएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
सिरहामा घर बगाउँदा खम्बामा चेपिएर अर्नमा प्रपी-५ का कुशेश्वर महरा सख्त घाइते भएका छन् । सोही स्थ्ाानका पछुवा सदाका ११ वषर्ीया छोरी रीना कुमारी घरको भित्ताले चेपिएर घाइते भएकी छिन् । दुवैको स्थानीय उपचार केन्द्रमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । मैनावती खोलामा आएको बाढीका कारण अर्नमा प्रपी-५ र ६ का ६० घरपरिवार विस्थापित भई स्थानीय विद्यालयमा बसेका छन् ।
हरकट्टी गाविसस्थित दसगजा क्षेत्रमा निर्माण गरिएको बाँधका कारण दर्जनौं गाविस डुबानमा पर्दा हजारौं बासिन्दा बिचल्लीमा परेका छन् । त्यहाँ सतहदेखि पाँच फिटमाथिसम्म पानी जमेको छ । पाँच सय परिवार विस्थापित हुने अवस्थामा छन् । बाढीले बरियारपट्टी, सुखीपुर, औरही, तुल्सीपुर, पिप्रा प्रपी, तेनुवापट्टी, इटाटार, जानकीनगर, ठेंगही, गौरीपुर, सिलोर्वापछबारी, कबिलासी, महनौर, बल्ही, हरिनगर, कुशहलक्ष्मीनिया, विद्यानगर, जिझौल, कचनारीलगायतका गाविस डुवानमा परेका छन् ।
दमकमा २ सयभन्दा बढी घरमा पानी पसेको छ । सयौं बिघा धानखेती कटानमा परेको छ । धरमपुर-१ मा कमल खोलामा आएको बाढीले ४५ घर विस्थापित छन् । खोलाले बहाव बदलेर गाउँतिर पसेपछि घरहरू डुबानमा परेका हुन् । अनारमनी-७ अदुवा खोलामा आएको बाढीले घर डुबानमा परेपछि ३७ सुकुम्बासी परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । कन्काई नदीले सतासीधाम-८ का २० भन्दा बढी परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । दमकको दिपेनी खोलाको बाढीले २० भन्दा बढी घर डुबानमा परेका छन् । बाढीका कारण सुरुंगा कुच्मरक्खोड धरमपुर चोकबाट गाउँतिर जाने सडक अवरुद्ध भएको छ ।
पर्वतमा पहिरोमा परी पांग गाविस-४ का तेजराम सुवेदी र सुशीला कार्की घाइते भएका छन् । खेमबहादुर मल्ल र दीपक सुवेदीको घरमा क्षति पुगेको छ । पोखरा-बागलुङ राजमार्ग तथा मालढुंगा-बेनी सडक अवरुद्ध छ । मालढुंगा-बेनी सडक विस्तार क्रममा पहिरो जान थालेपछि कालीगण्डकी किनारका चार दर्जनभन्दा बढी घर प्रभावित भएका छन् ।
पाल्पाका ग्रामीण सडक अवरुद्ध
छन् । आर्यभन्ज्याङ-रामपुर, हार्थोक-छहरा र बाँसटारी झडेवा सडकमा मंगलबार साँझदेखि सवारी चल्न सकेका छैनन् । आर्यभन्ज्याङका विजय श्रेष्ठले जानकारी गराएअनुसार मंगलबार साँझदेखि बस, जिपलगायत कुनै पनि सवारीसाधन चलेका छैनन् ।
कैलालीको दक्षिण-पूर्वी क्षेत्रको जनजीवन प्रभावित छ । भजनी-९ नयाँ बस्तीका २० परिवार विस्थापित छन् । यस्तै करिब ७० परिवार कृष्णध्वज मावि, मोहन्याल गाविस भवन र प्रहरी चौकीमा बसेका छन् । माओवादी शिविर र मुक्त कमैया बस्तीमा पनि बढी क्षति पुगेको छ ।
महोत्तरी सदरमुकाम जलेश्वरलगायतका गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । बिगही खोलाको बाढीका कारण यातायात अवरुद्ध छ । दक्षिणवर्ती २८ गाविसका ६ सयभन्दा बढी घरमा क्षति पुगेको छ । डुबान क्षेत्रमा उपभोग्य वस्तु अभाव हुन थालेको छ । प्रशासन कार्यालयमा बिहान बसेको जिल्ला दैवीप्रकोपको आकस्मिक बैठकले पीडित पहिचान गरी तत्काल राहत उपलब्ध गराउन तथा अवरुद्ध सडक यथाशीघ्र सुचारु गराउन मातहतकालाई निर्देशन दिए पनि प्रतिकूल मौसमले सम्भव हुन सकेको छैन ।
सर्लाहीमा बिहीबारसम्म १ सय ९४ घर भत्किँदा त्यहाँ बस्दै आएका अधिकांश दलित परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् ।
उदयपुरमा सदरमुकाम गाईघाटसहित दर्जनभन्दा बढी गाविस जलमग्न छन् । सप्तकोसीको बाढीले तपेश्वीर-१५ मा सय घर डुबानमा परेका छन् । गाविसको १ देखि ६ वडाका करिब १५ सय घर प्रभावित भएको निवर्तमान गाविस उपाध्यक्ष नन्दीलाल चौधरीले बताए । ठोक्सीला-४ का पुष्प सदाको घर बगाउनुका साथै २२ घर डुबानमा परेको इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय रामपुरले जनाएको छ ।
कटारी-ओखलढुंगा सडक अवरुद्ध भई यातायात बन्द हुँदा ओखलढुंगा सदरमुकाममा तीन दिनयता खाद्यान्नलगायत उपभोग्य वस्तुको अभाव हुन थालेको स्थानीय लालु श्रेष्ठले बताए ।
चितवनको भरतपुर, नारायणगढ, टाँडी, सौराहालगायतका व्यापारिक केन्द्रमा पानी जमेको छ । सडकमा हलुका सवारीसाधनको चहल पहलमा कमी देखिएको छ । तनहुँमा पृथ्वी राजमार्गअन्तर्गत आँबुखैरेनी नजिक ऐनापार्कीमा पहिरो जाँदा यातायात अवरुद्ध भएको छ ।
जनकपुर नगरपालिकाको विभिन्न क्षेत्र र पूर्वी धनुषाका एक दर्जन गाविस विभिन्न गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । जमुनी, जलाद, जगदर र बिग्घी नदीमा आएको बाढीले यातायात अवरुद्ध भएको छ । भारतको जयनगरसम्म चल्ने मुलुकको एकमात्र रेल सेवा पनि बन्द हुन पुगेको छ ।
बाँकेमा घरभित्र पानी पस्दा सय परिवार विस्थापित छन् । नेपालगन्ज नगर क्ष्ाेत्रमा मात्र ४४ परिवारले घर छोडेका छन् । वडा-५ को सल्यानीवाग क्षेत्र अत्यधिक डुबानमा परेको छ । यहाँका अधिकांश घरभित्र पानी पसेको छ । सल्यानीवागस्थित निमाविमा २६ परिवारले आश्रय लिएका छन् भने नगरपालिकाको सटरहरूमा १८ परिवार छन् । बिहीबार अधिकांश विद्यालय बन्द रहे । सिनेमा घरसमेत बन्द गरिए । नगरमा विद्युत् प्रसारण बन्द गरिएको छ । बाँकेकै ग्रामीण क्ष्ाेत्र टिटहरियामा १५ परिवार घर डुब्ने डरले स्थानीय स्कुलमा सरेका छन् । राप्ती नदीमा बाढी आएपछि डुबान हुनसक्ने क्षेत्रको स्थलगत निरीक्षणका लागि सेना र प्रहरी पठाइएको छ । जिल्ल्ाा प्रशासन कार्यालयका प्रशासकीय अधिकृत कृष्णप्रसाद आचार्यले भने- 'खडैचामा पानी पसेको खबर आएकाले गस्ती पठाइएको हो ।'
यसैबीच सप्तकोसी नदीमा पानीको बहाव बढेपछि बिहीबार खतराको संकेत रातो बत्ती बालिएको छ । ब्यारेजमा रातो झन्डा गाडिएको र ५५ मध्ये २५ ढोका बन्द गरिएको कोसी ब्यारेज प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
पछिल्लो रेकर्डअनुसार कोसीमा प्रतिसेकेन्ड झन्डै २ लाख घनमिटर पानी बहाव छ ।
यस्तै कोसीको मध्यभागमा रहेका गोभरगाढा, श्रीलंका टापु र नरसिंह गाविस डुबानमा परेका छन् । इटहरीको टेंग्रा खोलाको शाखा नहर भत्कँदा इटहरी-९ वडाका दर्जनौं घरमा पानी पसेको छ । सोनापुरका दर्जन बढी आदिवासी विस्थापित भएका छन् । कोसी ब्यारेजको उत्तरतिर रहेको श्रीलंका टापु र दक्षिण क्षेत्रमा रहेको गोभरगाढामा ४ हजारभन्दा बढी सर्वसाधारण भैंसीपालन पेसा गरेर बस्दै आएका छन् ।
भारतले बाँध खोलेन
विकास थापा
काठमाडौं, १० साउन- बाँकेका दर्जन गाविस डुुबानमा पार्ने लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँधको निकास खोल्न नेपालसँग गरेको सहमति भारतले उल्लंघन गरेको छ । सरकारले सहमति कार्यान्वयनका लागि पटकपटक ताकेता गर्दा पनि भारतले वास्ता नगरेपछि बाँकेका सीमा क्ष्ाेत्रका गाविसहरू डुुबानको खतरामा छन् ।
वषर्ा सुुरु भइसकेकाले बाँकेका दक्षिणी भेग जतिखेर पनि डुुबानमा पर्न सक्ने जल उत्पन्न प्रकोप नियन्त्रण विभागका इन्जिनियरले चेतावनी दिएका छन् । हरेक वषर्ायाममा सीमावर्ती एक दर्जन गाविस उक्त बाँधबाट डुुबानमा पर्दै आएका छन् ।
नेपाल र भारतबीच तीन वर्षअघि 'लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँधको निकास खोल्ने' सहमति भएको थियो । लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँध विवादमा आएपछि यसको छिनोफानो गर्न गठित उच्चस्तरीय प्राविधिक समिति -एचएलटीसी) को २८ सेप्टेम्बर, २००६ मा काठमाडौंमा भएको बैठकमा भारतले त्यस्तो सहमति जनाएको हो ।
सहमतिअनुुसार बाँध संरचनामा के-कति पानीको परिमाण निकास भए नेपाली भूभाग डुुब्दैन भन्ने पत्ता लगाउन उपसमितिसमेत गठन भएको थियो ।
नेपाली पक्षको उपसमितिले भारतीय अधिकारीलाई आफ्नो प्रतिवेदन दिइसकेका छन् । 'भारतले सक्दो चाँडो प्रतिवेदन कार्यान्वयन गर्ने सहमति गरेको थियो,' विभागका सहसचिव खोमराज दाहालले भने-'तर कैयौंपटक ताकेता गर्दा पनि वास्ता गरेको छैन ।'
सरकारले 'हाइड्रोलोजिकल एनालाइसिस एन्ड डिजाइन' सम्बन्धी उक्त प्रस्ताव भारतको लखनऊमा भएको उपसमितिको एक बैठकमा दिएको जलस्राेत मन्त्रालयका सिनियर डिभिजनल इन्जिनियर केशवध्वज अधिकारीले बताए ।
परराष्ट्रमार्फत जलस्राेत मन्त्रालयले त्यसको लगत्तै 'सहमति चाँडै कार्यान्वयन' गर्न -बाँधको निकास खोल्न) लगत्तै भारतीय दूतावासलाई पत्र लेखेको उनले बताए ।
अधिकारीका अनुुसार नेपाल सरकारले लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँधबारे भारतलाई विभिन्न अनौपचारिक सभा समारोह र राजनीतिक नेतृत्वको भेटघाटका अवसर पारेरसमेत सहमति कार्यान्वयनका लागि अनुुरोध गर्दै आएको छ ।
केही महिनाअघि नयाँदिल्लीमा भएको 'ऊर्जा सम्मेलन' मा समेत जलस्राेत राज्यमन्त्री ज्ञानेन्द्र बहादुर कार्कीले भारतीय समकक्षी, जलस्राेत सचिव र अन्य अधिकारीलाई समस्याबारे अवगत गराएका थिए ।
Posted on: 2007-07-26 20:52:19
कान्तिपुर संवाददाता
काठमाडौं, साउन १० - अविरल वषर्ाले मुलुकका विभिन्न भागको जनजीवन थप प्रभावित भएको
छ । पहिरोमा परी सल्यानमा एकै परिवारका ५ जनाको मृत्यु भएको छ । सप्तरीमा बाढीले बगाउँदा थप एक बालिकाको मृत्यु भएको छ । कयौं घाइते भएका छन् । घर बगाउँदा र डुबानमा पर्दा कम्तीमा २५ सय परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । डुबानमा परेका घरको छतमा बसेकाहरूको उद्धार गर्न सकिएको छैन ।
धेरै स्थानमा यातायात र आवत-जावत अवरुद्ध भएको छ । सयौं यात्रु अलपत्र परेका छन् । विद्यालयलगायतका सार्वजनिक सरोकारका निकाय बन्द भएका छन् । कैयौं ठाउँमा विद्युत् अवरुद्ध हुन पुगेको छ । हजारौं पीडितहरू विद्यालय र सार्वजनिक स्थलमा शरण लिएर बसेका छन् । विभिन्न ठाउँमा दैनिक उपभोग्य वस्तुको अभाव हुन थालेको छ । घटना धेरै ठाउँमा भएका र वषर्ा अविरल भइरहेकाले उद्धारमा अप्ठ्यारो परेको छ । प्रशासन सबै ठाउँमा पुग्न नसक्दा क्षतिको यकिन विवरण प्राप्त हुन सकेको छैन ।
सल्यानको विकट काप्रेचौर गाविस ३ छरछरेमा बिहीबार बिहान पहिरोले घर पुरिँदा एकै घरका ५ जनाको मृत्यु भएको हो । मृत्यु हुनेमा ढालबहादुर राम्जाली, उनकी श्रीमती र छोराछोरी छन् ।
परिवारका दुई बच्चा भने बच्न सफल भएका छन् । पहिरो आइरहेकाले उद्धारमा कठिनाइ भइरहेको स्थानीय बासिन्दाले जनाएका छन् । जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयले काप्रेचौरबाट नजिक पर्ने कालिमाटी चौकीलाई खटाइएको जनाएको छ ।
यस्तै मोहली खोलामा आएको बाढीले बगाउँदा सप्तरी बकधुवा-९ का लालु दासकी १२ वषर्ीया छोरी ममताको बिहीबार मृत्यु भएको छ । बिहान दाउरा खोज्न जाँदा उनलाई खोलाले बगाएको थियो ।
बर्दियाको बबई र कणर्ाली नदीमा आएको बाढीले बिहीबार करिब दुई हजार परिवार विस्थापित भएका
छन् । उनीहरूले राजमार्गको छेउ र स्थानीय विद्यालयमा शरण लिएका छन् । गुलरिया नगरपालिकाको बालापुर, तुलसीपुर, रामपुर टप्पु, रत्नापुर, मडहजिया, थपुवा, कोठिया गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । महम्मदपुर गाविसको सूर्यगौडी, टडुवा, जमुनी गाविस-१ फुटहा, बगनाहा गाविस-२ मुक्त कमैया बस्ती, भिम्मापुर गाविस-७, भालुफाँटलगायत ठाउँमा बाढीले २ हजार घरपरिवार विस्थापित भएको जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयका प्रशासकीय अधिकृत केशव शर्माले जनाएका छन् ।
३२ केभी प्रसारण लाइनको कयौं पोल बगाएकाले बिहानदेखि जिल्लामा विद्युत् आपूर्ति ठप्प छ । बाढी नघटेसम्म विद्युत् आपूर्ति नहुने विद्युत् प्राधिकरणले जनाएको छ । गुलरिया-नेपालगन्ज सडक र भुरीगाउँ ढोढरी सडकमाथि पानी बगेकाले यातायात बन्द छ । गुलरिया-१३ मजहडिया र बाँध पुरुवालगायत महम्मदपुर गाविस-सूर्यगौडीमा घरका छतमाथि बसेका करिब २५ जनाको उद्धार गर्न कठिनाइ भएको डीएसपी कमल खरेलले बताए । सिद्धि बक्स गण, सशस्त्र प्रहरी र जनपथ प्रहरी बाढीपीडितको उद्धारका लागि खटिएका छन् । प्रतिकूल मौसम र र्यापरको अभावमा छतमाथि बसेकाको उद्धार गर्न नसकिएको खरेलले बताए ।
कणर्ाली नदीको टप्पु राजापुर जोड्ने जलमार्ग कोठियाघाटमा बाढीका कारण डुंगा, स्टिमर ठप्प भएकाले सयौं यात्रु अलपत्र परेको एमाले जिल्ला कमिटी उपसचिव हरि ज्ञवालीले बताए । टप्पुको मनाउ, खैरीचन्दनपुद्युर, राजापुरलगायत गाविसमा बाढीले सयौं घर डुबानमा परेका छन् । विस्थापितका लागि खाने, बस्ने व्यवस्था गर्न नेपाल रेडक्रस जिल्ला शाखाको पहलमा आठ दललगायत विभिन्न संघ-संस्था परिचालित छन् ।
रौतहटको दुई दर्जन गाविसमा एक सय बढी घर भत्किएका छन् । घर भत्किँदा जिङ्गडवा बेलबिछुवा गाविसका शेष अतिउल्लाहका ५ वषर्ीय छोरा थिचिएर घाइते भएका छन् । उनको वीरगन्जमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । जिल्लाको गौर नपा, औरैया, इनरबारी, मिठुअवा, अजगैबी, जिङ्गडवा, करुनिया, इनर्बा, पथराबुधरामपुर, भषेडवा, धरमुरपुर लगायत दुई दर्जन गाविसमा एक सय बढी घर भत्किएको प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
सिरहामा घर बगाउँदा खम्बामा चेपिएर अर्नमा प्रपी-५ का कुशेश्वर महरा सख्त घाइते भएका छन् । सोही स्थ्ाानका पछुवा सदाका ११ वषर्ीया छोरी रीना कुमारी घरको भित्ताले चेपिएर घाइते भएकी छिन् । दुवैको स्थानीय उपचार केन्द्रमा उपचार भइरहेको छ । मैनावती खोलामा आएको बाढीका कारण अर्नमा प्रपी-५ र ६ का ६० घरपरिवार विस्थापित भई स्थानीय विद्यालयमा बसेका छन् ।
हरकट्टी गाविसस्थित दसगजा क्षेत्रमा निर्माण गरिएको बाँधका कारण दर्जनौं गाविस डुबानमा पर्दा हजारौं बासिन्दा बिचल्लीमा परेका छन् । त्यहाँ सतहदेखि पाँच फिटमाथिसम्म पानी जमेको छ । पाँच सय परिवार विस्थापित हुने अवस्थामा छन् । बाढीले बरियारपट्टी, सुखीपुर, औरही, तुल्सीपुर, पिप्रा प्रपी, तेनुवापट्टी, इटाटार, जानकीनगर, ठेंगही, गौरीपुर, सिलोर्वापछबारी, कबिलासी, महनौर, बल्ही, हरिनगर, कुशहलक्ष्मीनिया, विद्यानगर, जिझौल, कचनारीलगायतका गाविस डुवानमा परेका छन् ।
दमकमा २ सयभन्दा बढी घरमा पानी पसेको छ । सयौं बिघा धानखेती कटानमा परेको छ । धरमपुर-१ मा कमल खोलामा आएको बाढीले ४५ घर विस्थापित छन् । खोलाले बहाव बदलेर गाउँतिर पसेपछि घरहरू डुबानमा परेका हुन् । अनारमनी-७ अदुवा खोलामा आएको बाढीले घर डुबानमा परेपछि ३७ सुकुम्बासी परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । कन्काई नदीले सतासीधाम-८ का २० भन्दा बढी परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् । दमकको दिपेनी खोलाको बाढीले २० भन्दा बढी घर डुबानमा परेका छन् । बाढीका कारण सुरुंगा कुच्मरक्खोड धरमपुर चोकबाट गाउँतिर जाने सडक अवरुद्ध भएको छ ।
पर्वतमा पहिरोमा परी पांग गाविस-४ का तेजराम सुवेदी र सुशीला कार्की घाइते भएका छन् । खेमबहादुर मल्ल र दीपक सुवेदीको घरमा क्षति पुगेको छ । पोखरा-बागलुङ राजमार्ग तथा मालढुंगा-बेनी सडक अवरुद्ध छ । मालढुंगा-बेनी सडक विस्तार क्रममा पहिरो जान थालेपछि कालीगण्डकी किनारका चार दर्जनभन्दा बढी घर प्रभावित भएका छन् ।
पाल्पाका ग्रामीण सडक अवरुद्ध
छन् । आर्यभन्ज्याङ-रामपुर, हार्थोक-छहरा र बाँसटारी झडेवा सडकमा मंगलबार साँझदेखि सवारी चल्न सकेका छैनन् । आर्यभन्ज्याङका विजय श्रेष्ठले जानकारी गराएअनुसार मंगलबार साँझदेखि बस, जिपलगायत कुनै पनि सवारीसाधन चलेका छैनन् ।
कैलालीको दक्षिण-पूर्वी क्षेत्रको जनजीवन प्रभावित छ । भजनी-९ नयाँ बस्तीका २० परिवार विस्थापित छन् । यस्तै करिब ७० परिवार कृष्णध्वज मावि, मोहन्याल गाविस भवन र प्रहरी चौकीमा बसेका छन् । माओवादी शिविर र मुक्त कमैया बस्तीमा पनि बढी क्षति पुगेको छ ।
महोत्तरी सदरमुकाम जलेश्वरलगायतका गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । बिगही खोलाको बाढीका कारण यातायात अवरुद्ध छ । दक्षिणवर्ती २८ गाविसका ६ सयभन्दा बढी घरमा क्षति पुगेको छ । डुबान क्षेत्रमा उपभोग्य वस्तु अभाव हुन थालेको छ । प्रशासन कार्यालयमा बिहान बसेको जिल्ला दैवीप्रकोपको आकस्मिक बैठकले पीडित पहिचान गरी तत्काल राहत उपलब्ध गराउन तथा अवरुद्ध सडक यथाशीघ्र सुचारु गराउन मातहतकालाई निर्देशन दिए पनि प्रतिकूल मौसमले सम्भव हुन सकेको छैन ।
सर्लाहीमा बिहीबारसम्म १ सय ९४ घर भत्किँदा त्यहाँ बस्दै आएका अधिकांश दलित परिवार विस्थापित भएका छन् ।
उदयपुरमा सदरमुकाम गाईघाटसहित दर्जनभन्दा बढी गाविस जलमग्न छन् । सप्तकोसीको बाढीले तपेश्वीर-१५ मा सय घर डुबानमा परेका छन् । गाविसको १ देखि ६ वडाका करिब १५ सय घर प्रभावित भएको निवर्तमान गाविस उपाध्यक्ष नन्दीलाल चौधरीले बताए । ठोक्सीला-४ का पुष्प सदाको घर बगाउनुका साथै २२ घर डुबानमा परेको इलाका प्रहरी कार्यालय रामपुरले जनाएको छ ।
कटारी-ओखलढुंगा सडक अवरुद्ध भई यातायात बन्द हुँदा ओखलढुंगा सदरमुकाममा तीन दिनयता खाद्यान्नलगायत उपभोग्य वस्तुको अभाव हुन थालेको स्थानीय लालु श्रेष्ठले बताए ।
चितवनको भरतपुर, नारायणगढ, टाँडी, सौराहालगायतका व्यापारिक केन्द्रमा पानी जमेको छ । सडकमा हलुका सवारीसाधनको चहल पहलमा कमी देखिएको छ । तनहुँमा पृथ्वी राजमार्गअन्तर्गत आँबुखैरेनी नजिक ऐनापार्कीमा पहिरो जाँदा यातायात अवरुद्ध भएको छ ।
जनकपुर नगरपालिकाको विभिन्न क्षेत्र र पूर्वी धनुषाका एक दर्जन गाविस विभिन्न गाउँ डुबानमा परेका छन् । जमुनी, जलाद, जगदर र बिग्घी नदीमा आएको बाढीले यातायात अवरुद्ध भएको छ । भारतको जयनगरसम्म चल्ने मुलुकको एकमात्र रेल सेवा पनि बन्द हुन पुगेको छ ।
बाँकेमा घरभित्र पानी पस्दा सय परिवार विस्थापित छन् । नेपालगन्ज नगर क्ष्ाेत्रमा मात्र ४४ परिवारले घर छोडेका छन् । वडा-५ को सल्यानीवाग क्षेत्र अत्यधिक डुबानमा परेको छ । यहाँका अधिकांश घरभित्र पानी पसेको छ । सल्यानीवागस्थित निमाविमा २६ परिवारले आश्रय लिएका छन् भने नगरपालिकाको सटरहरूमा १८ परिवार छन् । बिहीबार अधिकांश विद्यालय बन्द रहे । सिनेमा घरसमेत बन्द गरिए । नगरमा विद्युत् प्रसारण बन्द गरिएको छ । बाँकेकै ग्रामीण क्ष्ाेत्र टिटहरियामा १५ परिवार घर डुब्ने डरले स्थानीय स्कुलमा सरेका छन् । राप्ती नदीमा बाढी आएपछि डुबान हुनसक्ने क्षेत्रको स्थलगत निरीक्षणका लागि सेना र प्रहरी पठाइएको छ । जिल्ल्ाा प्रशासन कार्यालयका प्रशासकीय अधिकृत कृष्णप्रसाद आचार्यले भने- 'खडैचामा पानी पसेको खबर आएकाले गस्ती पठाइएको हो ।'
यसैबीच सप्तकोसी नदीमा पानीको बहाव बढेपछि बिहीबार खतराको संकेत रातो बत्ती बालिएको छ । ब्यारेजमा रातो झन्डा गाडिएको र ५५ मध्ये २५ ढोका बन्द गरिएको कोसी ब्यारेज प्रहरीले जनाएको छ ।
पछिल्लो रेकर्डअनुसार कोसीमा प्रतिसेकेन्ड झन्डै २ लाख घनमिटर पानी बहाव छ ।
यस्तै कोसीको मध्यभागमा रहेका गोभरगाढा, श्रीलंका टापु र नरसिंह गाविस डुबानमा परेका छन् । इटहरीको टेंग्रा खोलाको शाखा नहर भत्कँदा इटहरी-९ वडाका दर्जनौं घरमा पानी पसेको छ । सोनापुरका दर्जन बढी आदिवासी विस्थापित भएका छन् । कोसी ब्यारेजको उत्तरतिर रहेको श्रीलंका टापु र दक्षिण क्षेत्रमा रहेको गोभरगाढामा ४ हजारभन्दा बढी सर्वसाधारण भैंसीपालन पेसा गरेर बस्दै आएका छन् ।
भारतले बाँध खोलेन
विकास थापा
काठमाडौं, १० साउन- बाँकेका दर्जन गाविस डुुबानमा पार्ने लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँधको निकास खोल्न नेपालसँग गरेको सहमति भारतले उल्लंघन गरेको छ । सरकारले सहमति कार्यान्वयनका लागि पटकपटक ताकेता गर्दा पनि भारतले वास्ता नगरेपछि बाँकेका सीमा क्ष्ाेत्रका गाविसहरू डुुबानको खतरामा छन् ।
वषर्ा सुुरु भइसकेकाले बाँकेका दक्षिणी भेग जतिखेर पनि डुुबानमा पर्न सक्ने जल उत्पन्न प्रकोप नियन्त्रण विभागका इन्जिनियरले चेतावनी दिएका छन् । हरेक वषर्ायाममा सीमावर्ती एक दर्जन गाविस उक्त बाँधबाट डुुबानमा पर्दै आएका छन् ।
नेपाल र भारतबीच तीन वर्षअघि 'लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँधको निकास खोल्ने' सहमति भएको थियो । लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँध विवादमा आएपछि यसको छिनोफानो गर्न गठित उच्चस्तरीय प्राविधिक समिति -एचएलटीसी) को २८ सेप्टेम्बर, २००६ मा काठमाडौंमा भएको बैठकमा भारतले त्यस्तो सहमति जनाएको हो ।
सहमतिअनुुसार बाँध संरचनामा के-कति पानीको परिमाण निकास भए नेपाली भूभाग डुुब्दैन भन्ने पत्ता लगाउन उपसमितिसमेत गठन भएको थियो ।
नेपाली पक्षको उपसमितिले भारतीय अधिकारीलाई आफ्नो प्रतिवेदन दिइसकेका छन् । 'भारतले सक्दो चाँडो प्रतिवेदन कार्यान्वयन गर्ने सहमति गरेको थियो,' विभागका सहसचिव खोमराज दाहालले भने-'तर कैयौंपटक ताकेता गर्दा पनि वास्ता गरेको छैन ।'
सरकारले 'हाइड्रोलोजिकल एनालाइसिस एन्ड डिजाइन' सम्बन्धी उक्त प्रस्ताव भारतको लखनऊमा भएको उपसमितिको एक बैठकमा दिएको जलस्राेत मन्त्रालयका सिनियर डिभिजनल इन्जिनियर केशवध्वज अधिकारीले बताए ।
परराष्ट्रमार्फत जलस्राेत मन्त्रालयले त्यसको लगत्तै 'सहमति चाँडै कार्यान्वयन' गर्न -बाँधको निकास खोल्न) लगत्तै भारतीय दूतावासलाई पत्र लेखेको उनले बताए ।
अधिकारीका अनुुसार नेपाल सरकारले लक्ष्मणपुुर बाँधबारे भारतलाई विभिन्न अनौपचारिक सभा समारोह र राजनीतिक नेतृत्वको भेटघाटका अवसर पारेरसमेत सहमति कार्यान्वयनका लागि अनुुरोध गर्दै आएको छ ।
केही महिनाअघि नयाँदिल्लीमा भएको 'ऊर्जा सम्मेलन' मा समेत जलस्राेत राज्यमन्त्री ज्ञानेन्द्र बहादुर कार्कीले भारतीय समकक्षी, जलस्राेत सचिव र अन्य अधिकारीलाई समस्याबारे अवगत गराएका थिए ।
Posted on: 2007-07-26 20:52:19
Thursday, July 26, 2007
5 from one family dead, toll hits 11
5 from one family dead, toll hits 11
Six killed in floods, landslides
KATHMANDU, July 26 - Five members of the same family died in Salyan after their house was buried under landslide Thursday. Elsewhere, one person died in flashfloods in Saptari the same day, taking the death toll from the recent torrential rainfall to 11.
Dhal Bahadur Ramjali, his wife and their three children died after their house at Chharchhare in Kaprechaur VDC-3, Salyan was buried under landslide Thursday morning. However, two other Ramjali children survived the disaster.
According to District Police Office, a police team from nearby Kalimati police post was sent to the place after receiving information of the landslide.
Similarly, 12-year-old Mamata Das of Theliya VDC of Saptari died after she was swept away by the flooded Mohali Rivulet.
Her dead body was found at Abasrutha at 2 pm. Das had gone to the nearby forest to collect firewood.
Earlier, two persons died in Dang while one each died in Udayapur, Bajhang and Nepalgunj due to flooding.
In Parbat, Tej Ram Subedi and Shushila Karki of Pang VDC-4 sustained serious injury after being buried in landslide. The houses of Khemraj Malla and Dipak Subedi in the same VDC collapsed.
Pokhara-Baglung and Beni-Maldhunga road sections were damaged and obstructed at various points due to landslide.
Meanwhile, a red light, signaling danger has been lit on the Koshi barrage after the water level in the Koshi river rose significantly due to continuous rain.
Our correspondent from Nepalgunj said that nearly 100 families in Banke have been displaced, while most of the areas in and around Nepalgunj municipality are waterlogged due to heavy rain.
Similarly, the Maoist satellite camp at Talabandi in Kailali has been submerged following incessant rainfall. According to police, about 20 families have been displaced at Bhajani VDC of the district.
Likewise, most of the areas of Janakpur municipality continue to be waterlogged and Janakpur-Jayanagar railway service has been disrupted due to rain.
Meanwhile, our correspondent from Biratnagar said that nearly 200 houses were damaged by the flood in the rural areas of Sarlahi district. Life in Jaleshwor municipality in Mahottari district continues to suffer due to heavy inundation, while over 600 houses in the district have collapsed.
Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Okhaldhunga, Palpa and other districts have also been affected because of flood, landslide and road obstructions.
Posted on: 2007-07-26 20:24:56 (Server Time)
Six killed in floods, landslides
KATHMANDU, July 26 - Five members of the same family died in Salyan after their house was buried under landslide Thursday. Elsewhere, one person died in flashfloods in Saptari the same day, taking the death toll from the recent torrential rainfall to 11.
Dhal Bahadur Ramjali, his wife and their three children died after their house at Chharchhare in Kaprechaur VDC-3, Salyan was buried under landslide Thursday morning. However, two other Ramjali children survived the disaster.
According to District Police Office, a police team from nearby Kalimati police post was sent to the place after receiving information of the landslide.
Similarly, 12-year-old Mamata Das of Theliya VDC of Saptari died after she was swept away by the flooded Mohali Rivulet.
Her dead body was found at Abasrutha at 2 pm. Das had gone to the nearby forest to collect firewood.
Earlier, two persons died in Dang while one each died in Udayapur, Bajhang and Nepalgunj due to flooding.
In Parbat, Tej Ram Subedi and Shushila Karki of Pang VDC-4 sustained serious injury after being buried in landslide. The houses of Khemraj Malla and Dipak Subedi in the same VDC collapsed.
Pokhara-Baglung and Beni-Maldhunga road sections were damaged and obstructed at various points due to landslide.
Meanwhile, a red light, signaling danger has been lit on the Koshi barrage after the water level in the Koshi river rose significantly due to continuous rain.
Our correspondent from Nepalgunj said that nearly 100 families in Banke have been displaced, while most of the areas in and around Nepalgunj municipality are waterlogged due to heavy rain.
Similarly, the Maoist satellite camp at Talabandi in Kailali has been submerged following incessant rainfall. According to police, about 20 families have been displaced at Bhajani VDC of the district.
Likewise, most of the areas of Janakpur municipality continue to be waterlogged and Janakpur-Jayanagar railway service has been disrupted due to rain.
Meanwhile, our correspondent from Biratnagar said that nearly 200 houses were damaged by the flood in the rural areas of Sarlahi district. Life in Jaleshwor municipality in Mahottari district continues to suffer due to heavy inundation, while over 600 houses in the district have collapsed.
Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Okhaldhunga, Palpa and other districts have also been affected because of flood, landslide and road obstructions.
Posted on: 2007-07-26 20:24:56 (Server Time)
Monsoon wreaks havoc across Nepal
Monsoon wreaks havoc across Nepal
People climb onto a podium as the water level rises in the surrounding areas of the Bageshwori Temple on Thursday. Hundreds have been displaced in the region due to continuous heavy rainfall over the last two days.
(Photo: Janak Nepal )
Kantipur Report
NEPALGUNJ, July 26 - Torrential downpours and flashfloods have rendered hundreds of people homeless in Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Udayapur, and some other districts in Terai, triggering a huge humanitarian crisis in the country.
One 12-year-old Mamata Das was killed when a flood in Mohali river swept her away in Thelia VDC, Rajbiraj of Saptari.
Bakudhuwas-9 resident Lalu Das’s daughter Mamata Das’s body was found by the police at around 2 pm.
With the latest casualty, altogether five persons have died due to monsoon-induced disasters in different parts of the country so far.
In the capital, lawmakers cutting across party lines Thursday asked the government to act swiftly to do whatever it can to rescue the flood victims.
Around one hundred families in flooded Nepalgunj have fled their homes after the water level rose up to 4 feet. The town in mid-western Nepal witnessed 151.1 mm of rainfall.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has cut off power from 11 Thursday morning after the water level at the local electric substation located in Nepalgunj Bus Park surged by 4 feet.
The NEA officials informed that they are working on a war-footing to drain the water so that the power supply can be resumed at the earliest.
Salyanbag locality at ward number 5 of the municipality has been affected the most. Many thatched houses have partially collapsed in the area, walls of some well-built houses have also fallen down.
Almost four feet of water has accumulated at most of the houses.
More than two dozen displaced families have been forced to take shelter at a pre-primary schools in Salyanbag and 18 families are taking refuge at the municipality building.
Dozens of families displaced due to inundations in the town have complained that they have not been rescued so far.
The humanitarian crisis is likely to deepen as the displacement of many more families is apparently inevitable as the monsoon onslaught continues.
Majority of the schools have also been closed since Thursday.
All cinema halls in Nepalgunj have also been waterlogged due to lack of proper water drainage.
Elsewhere in Banke district, 15 families of Titahariya village are taking shelter at a local school as the Rapti River swells.
According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, the flood in the Rapti River has risen up to 5 feet and 20 cm and is just three meters below the danger level, and the water level is rising further.
A team of police and army personnel have been dispatched to the vulnerable areas to closely monitor flooding in the river, anticipating possible flooding and risk to life and properties in the region.
Administrative Officer at the District Administration Office, Krishna Prasad Acharya said, “The team was mobilized acting on a report of flooding at Khadaicha.”
Similarly, the residents of Chaupheri village across the Rapti River have urged the local administration to relocate them to safer areas.
Six villages of Holiya VDC are on the verge of being submerged by the flooding river, said Acharya.
As many people living at the banks of the river have been facing floods for years, they have moved to higher areas.
The local administration also informed that it has prepared disaster plans incase of flooding.
Acharya said, rescue teams comprising Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force, and doctors equipped with medicines are ready and can be dispatched at any time round the clock.
Moreover, two boats have been sent to the banks of the river to aide the emergency rescue operations.
In neighbouring Bardiya district, the overflowing Babai River has waterlogged hundreds of houses in Mohamedpur and Suryagauri villages.
The local administration added floods in Babai and Karnali Rivers have dispalced around two thousand people.
Rajapur Tappu and many other villages in Bardiya have been cut off from the district headquarters. Some 15 hundred people have been displaced from the villages.
Army and police personnel have been mobilized in the areas.
The district has plunged into darkness with the electricity supply disconnected.
Life in north-eastern Kailali has also been badly affected due to heavy rainfall.
Nearly two dozen families have been displaced after their homes were waterlogged, the District Police Office said.
They have taken refuge at nearby Bhajani Bazaar.
Likewise, a number of houses at wards 5, 6 and 9 of Thapapur VDC have also been inundated.
Local residents have taken shelter at the local Krishnadhwaj Secondary School as well as houses and a police station at Mohanyaan VDC.
After the local Kada, Pathariya, Kunda and Mohana Rivers flooded, the nearby areas have been submerged.
“There have been no human casualties,” Superintendent of Police Ganesh Rai said adding, “However, crops have been destroyed.”
The incessant rainfall has also affected other districts such as Udayapur, Jhapa, Sarlahi, Siraha, Saptari, Dang.
Likewise, two people lost their lives in a landslide and more than a dozen villages including Triyoga Municipality are under water in Udayapur, according to our Udayapur correspondent.
Around 150 houses have been inundated in Tapeshwar VDC alone.
Around 200 house holds of Fattepur Bazzar have been affected due to flooding in Triyoga River.
Our Jhapa correspondent reports that the flooded Kamala River has displaced 35 families at Dharampur VDC.
A team of Nepal Police has begun rescue operations in the area.
Sources informed, a team of Nepal Army is also being deployed to rescue the residents and cattle stuck in the flood.
Also in Jhapa, 100 bighas of paddy fields have been swept away at Khoklabari village due to the swelling Kamala and Kankai River in Mahabar VDC. At least 45 families of Dharampur village have also been displaced.
The incessant rainfall, which started a week back, has destroyed nearly 200 huts, houses while the Hulaki road has been disrupted in the district.
Ten families in Damak and 45 families of Dharampur VDC-1 have also been displaced by the floods.
Similarly, 37 houses of Sukumbasi were destroyed by the floods in Anarmuni VDC-7. They have been taken by the police to safe areas.
About two dozen families were displaced due to the flood in Satasidham-8.
At least 13 villages in Saptari have been flooded after the Bhim embankment at Kunaule on Nepal-India border collapsed.
Dozens of houses have been inundated at Rajbiraj and Kalyanpur.
Food storages have been ruined due to the flood in Topa Bazzar.
Various VDCs are under water due to the Kamala, Mainawarti, Gagal, Sahaja and Galti Rivers overflooding in Siraha.
Police sources said, 25 out of 55 dam-doors of the Koshi Barrage have been opened, after the current in the Sapta Koshi River increased rapidly.
Similarly, landslides triggered in Palpa by the continuous rainfall have obstructed four major roads and more than 50 sub-roads.
Several dozen houses were destroyed by the rain, District Police Office, Rautahat said.
Around 60 families have taken refuge in schools and other safe places after their houses were waterlogged after the Mainawati River in Arnama in Lahan over-flooded.
One Kuleshor Mahara and 11-year-old Rina Kumari were injured in separate incidents when their houses collapsed due to the rain.
Maoist cantonments, ex-Kamaiyas also affected
Heavy rainfall over the last few days has affected Maoist cantonment sites in Kailali district.
Water has entered the makeshift camps and bunkers at the Maoist camps at Taalband, Gaurange and Sahajpur of Chisapani and Baidhpur of Musuriya.
“Due to the floods, we’ve been unable to get clean drinking water,” Brigade commander of Taalband, Singhraj said. “We were forced to send a number of pregnant and lactating mothers to take shelter in houses in a nearby village.”
The combatants complained that they have also not been able to eat and sleep properly.
Makeshift camps housing freed Kamaiyas at places such as the old airport in Dhangadi, Manahara and Geta in the district have also been flooded.
Many of them have been displaced, though an exact number is yet to be ascertained.
Posted on: 2007-07-26 02:47:10 (Server Time)
People climb onto a podium as the water level rises in the surrounding areas of the Bageshwori Temple on Thursday. Hundreds have been displaced in the region due to continuous heavy rainfall over the last two days.
(Photo: Janak Nepal )
Kantipur Report
NEPALGUNJ, July 26 - Torrential downpours and flashfloods have rendered hundreds of people homeless in Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Udayapur, and some other districts in Terai, triggering a huge humanitarian crisis in the country.
One 12-year-old Mamata Das was killed when a flood in Mohali river swept her away in Thelia VDC, Rajbiraj of Saptari.
Bakudhuwas-9 resident Lalu Das’s daughter Mamata Das’s body was found by the police at around 2 pm.
With the latest casualty, altogether five persons have died due to monsoon-induced disasters in different parts of the country so far.
In the capital, lawmakers cutting across party lines Thursday asked the government to act swiftly to do whatever it can to rescue the flood victims.
Around one hundred families in flooded Nepalgunj have fled their homes after the water level rose up to 4 feet. The town in mid-western Nepal witnessed 151.1 mm of rainfall.
Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has cut off power from 11 Thursday morning after the water level at the local electric substation located in Nepalgunj Bus Park surged by 4 feet.
The NEA officials informed that they are working on a war-footing to drain the water so that the power supply can be resumed at the earliest.
Salyanbag locality at ward number 5 of the municipality has been affected the most. Many thatched houses have partially collapsed in the area, walls of some well-built houses have also fallen down.
Almost four feet of water has accumulated at most of the houses.
More than two dozen displaced families have been forced to take shelter at a pre-primary schools in Salyanbag and 18 families are taking refuge at the municipality building.
Dozens of families displaced due to inundations in the town have complained that they have not been rescued so far.
The humanitarian crisis is likely to deepen as the displacement of many more families is apparently inevitable as the monsoon onslaught continues.
Majority of the schools have also been closed since Thursday.
All cinema halls in Nepalgunj have also been waterlogged due to lack of proper water drainage.
Elsewhere in Banke district, 15 families of Titahariya village are taking shelter at a local school as the Rapti River swells.
According to the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology, the flood in the Rapti River has risen up to 5 feet and 20 cm and is just three meters below the danger level, and the water level is rising further.
A team of police and army personnel have been dispatched to the vulnerable areas to closely monitor flooding in the river, anticipating possible flooding and risk to life and properties in the region.
Administrative Officer at the District Administration Office, Krishna Prasad Acharya said, “The team was mobilized acting on a report of flooding at Khadaicha.”
Similarly, the residents of Chaupheri village across the Rapti River have urged the local administration to relocate them to safer areas.
Six villages of Holiya VDC are on the verge of being submerged by the flooding river, said Acharya.
As many people living at the banks of the river have been facing floods for years, they have moved to higher areas.
The local administration also informed that it has prepared disaster plans incase of flooding.
Acharya said, rescue teams comprising Nepal Army, Nepal Police and Armed Police Force, and doctors equipped with medicines are ready and can be dispatched at any time round the clock.
Moreover, two boats have been sent to the banks of the river to aide the emergency rescue operations.
In neighbouring Bardiya district, the overflowing Babai River has waterlogged hundreds of houses in Mohamedpur and Suryagauri villages.
The local administration added floods in Babai and Karnali Rivers have dispalced around two thousand people.
Rajapur Tappu and many other villages in Bardiya have been cut off from the district headquarters. Some 15 hundred people have been displaced from the villages.
Army and police personnel have been mobilized in the areas.
The district has plunged into darkness with the electricity supply disconnected.
Life in north-eastern Kailali has also been badly affected due to heavy rainfall.
Nearly two dozen families have been displaced after their homes were waterlogged, the District Police Office said.
They have taken refuge at nearby Bhajani Bazaar.
Likewise, a number of houses at wards 5, 6 and 9 of Thapapur VDC have also been inundated.
Local residents have taken shelter at the local Krishnadhwaj Secondary School as well as houses and a police station at Mohanyaan VDC.
After the local Kada, Pathariya, Kunda and Mohana Rivers flooded, the nearby areas have been submerged.
“There have been no human casualties,” Superintendent of Police Ganesh Rai said adding, “However, crops have been destroyed.”
The incessant rainfall has also affected other districts such as Udayapur, Jhapa, Sarlahi, Siraha, Saptari, Dang.
Likewise, two people lost their lives in a landslide and more than a dozen villages including Triyoga Municipality are under water in Udayapur, according to our Udayapur correspondent.
Around 150 houses have been inundated in Tapeshwar VDC alone.
Around 200 house holds of Fattepur Bazzar have been affected due to flooding in Triyoga River.
Our Jhapa correspondent reports that the flooded Kamala River has displaced 35 families at Dharampur VDC.
A team of Nepal Police has begun rescue operations in the area.
Sources informed, a team of Nepal Army is also being deployed to rescue the residents and cattle stuck in the flood.
Also in Jhapa, 100 bighas of paddy fields have been swept away at Khoklabari village due to the swelling Kamala and Kankai River in Mahabar VDC. At least 45 families of Dharampur village have also been displaced.
The incessant rainfall, which started a week back, has destroyed nearly 200 huts, houses while the Hulaki road has been disrupted in the district.
Ten families in Damak and 45 families of Dharampur VDC-1 have also been displaced by the floods.
Similarly, 37 houses of Sukumbasi were destroyed by the floods in Anarmuni VDC-7. They have been taken by the police to safe areas.
About two dozen families were displaced due to the flood in Satasidham-8.
At least 13 villages in Saptari have been flooded after the Bhim embankment at Kunaule on Nepal-India border collapsed.
Dozens of houses have been inundated at Rajbiraj and Kalyanpur.
Food storages have been ruined due to the flood in Topa Bazzar.
Various VDCs are under water due to the Kamala, Mainawarti, Gagal, Sahaja and Galti Rivers overflooding in Siraha.
Police sources said, 25 out of 55 dam-doors of the Koshi Barrage have been opened, after the current in the Sapta Koshi River increased rapidly.
Similarly, landslides triggered in Palpa by the continuous rainfall have obstructed four major roads and more than 50 sub-roads.
Several dozen houses were destroyed by the rain, District Police Office, Rautahat said.
Around 60 families have taken refuge in schools and other safe places after their houses were waterlogged after the Mainawati River in Arnama in Lahan over-flooded.
One Kuleshor Mahara and 11-year-old Rina Kumari were injured in separate incidents when their houses collapsed due to the rain.
Maoist cantonments, ex-Kamaiyas also affected
Heavy rainfall over the last few days has affected Maoist cantonment sites in Kailali district.
Water has entered the makeshift camps and bunkers at the Maoist camps at Taalband, Gaurange and Sahajpur of Chisapani and Baidhpur of Musuriya.
“Due to the floods, we’ve been unable to get clean drinking water,” Brigade commander of Taalband, Singhraj said. “We were forced to send a number of pregnant and lactating mothers to take shelter in houses in a nearby village.”
The combatants complained that they have also not been able to eat and sleep properly.
Makeshift camps housing freed Kamaiyas at places such as the old airport in Dhangadi, Manahara and Geta in the district have also been flooded.
Many of them have been displaced, though an exact number is yet to be ascertained.
Posted on: 2007-07-26 02:47:10 (Server Time)
Triggered by natural disasters and prolonged conflict, food insecurity worsens in Nepal
Triggered by natural disasters and prolonged conflict, food insecurity worsens in Nepal
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) have said that the situation of food insecurity has worsened in Nepal in recent times.
A series of natural disasters in 2006 and 2007 have severely impacted on crop production in Nepal, placing a significant number of people at risk of food insecurity, according to the joint report released this week by the two leading UN bodies on food relief and agriculture.
The joint report states that a combination of prolonged drought, hailstorms, and flooding in areas traditionally most agriculturally productive have resulted in an estimated 225,000-metric-ton food grain shortage for 2006/2007, compared to a food deficit of only 23,000 tons last year. An estimated 42 out of 75 districts are reported to be food deficient.
The report is based upon the findings of a joint FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission conducted in March and April of 2007.
"The results of the report largely confirm WFP's earlier estimates that many people, particularly those living in remote, chronically food insecure areas of Mid- and Far-Western Nepal are suffering the impact of consecutive years of drought and the lingering impacts of the 11-year insurgency," said Richard Ragan, WFP Representative in Nepal.
The WFP Representative has promised help to address these concerns as the situation is particularly troubling during the highly sensitive post-conflict period. "The WFP will immediately address these concerns by targeting 1.2 million people through a new US$49 million Peace and Recovery Programme and urge donors to support our effort," Ragan added.
According to a press statement by the WFP Nepal office, Nepal is a chronically food insecure, food deficit country, prone to natural disasters that can have serious consequences to agricultural production at both the national and local level. The report expresses serious concern over the estimated national undernourishment rate of 42 percent, with undernourishment rates in hill and mountain areas as high as 50 percent. Stunting rates in children are estimated to be as high as 60 percent in the Mid- and Far-Western Regions, and acute malnutrition rates of children at nearly 18 percent in the Terai.
"This is a really critical time," said Henri Josserand, Chief of the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System. "The process of national reconciliation can only make headway if the whole country shares in improved access to food and markets, lower rates of malnutrition, and a determined risk management strategy for food security."
The report concludes that "the confluence of high population growth, extremely limited scope of expansion of cultivated areas, under-developed irrigation infrastructures, continued high level of dependence on agriculture for livelihood and almost stagnant productivity of crops has resulted in acute risk of nation-wide food insecurity."
The UN report warns that continued high levels of food insecurity could destabilize the peace process, and recommends that immediate efforts be put in place to improve household food security and livelihoods.
Recommendations to address Nepal's food insecurity include a series of short and longer-term projects aimed at improving the availability of irrigation, construction of critical infrastructure, support and strengthening of government agricultural monitoring systems, and immediate food aid for drought and conflict-affected communities. nepalnews.com sd Jul 26 07
Source: NepalNews.com
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) have said that the situation of food insecurity has worsened in Nepal in recent times.
A series of natural disasters in 2006 and 2007 have severely impacted on crop production in Nepal, placing a significant number of people at risk of food insecurity, according to the joint report released this week by the two leading UN bodies on food relief and agriculture.
The joint report states that a combination of prolonged drought, hailstorms, and flooding in areas traditionally most agriculturally productive have resulted in an estimated 225,000-metric-ton food grain shortage for 2006/2007, compared to a food deficit of only 23,000 tons last year. An estimated 42 out of 75 districts are reported to be food deficient.
The report is based upon the findings of a joint FAO/WFP crop and food supply assessment mission conducted in March and April of 2007.
"The results of the report largely confirm WFP's earlier estimates that many people, particularly those living in remote, chronically food insecure areas of Mid- and Far-Western Nepal are suffering the impact of consecutive years of drought and the lingering impacts of the 11-year insurgency," said Richard Ragan, WFP Representative in Nepal.
The WFP Representative has promised help to address these concerns as the situation is particularly troubling during the highly sensitive post-conflict period. "The WFP will immediately address these concerns by targeting 1.2 million people through a new US$49 million Peace and Recovery Programme and urge donors to support our effort," Ragan added.
According to a press statement by the WFP Nepal office, Nepal is a chronically food insecure, food deficit country, prone to natural disasters that can have serious consequences to agricultural production at both the national and local level. The report expresses serious concern over the estimated national undernourishment rate of 42 percent, with undernourishment rates in hill and mountain areas as high as 50 percent. Stunting rates in children are estimated to be as high as 60 percent in the Mid- and Far-Western Regions, and acute malnutrition rates of children at nearly 18 percent in the Terai.
"This is a really critical time," said Henri Josserand, Chief of the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System. "The process of national reconciliation can only make headway if the whole country shares in improved access to food and markets, lower rates of malnutrition, and a determined risk management strategy for food security."
The report concludes that "the confluence of high population growth, extremely limited scope of expansion of cultivated areas, under-developed irrigation infrastructures, continued high level of dependence on agriculture for livelihood and almost stagnant productivity of crops has resulted in acute risk of nation-wide food insecurity."
The UN report warns that continued high levels of food insecurity could destabilize the peace process, and recommends that immediate efforts be put in place to improve household food security and livelihoods.
Recommendations to address Nepal's food insecurity include a series of short and longer-term projects aimed at improving the availability of irrigation, construction of critical infrastructure, support and strengthening of government agricultural monitoring systems, and immediate food aid for drought and conflict-affected communities. nepalnews.com sd Jul 26 07
Source: NepalNews.com
Food Insecurity,
Natural Disasters,
WFP Nepal
Flashfloods and landslides claim 5 lives
Flashfloods and landslides claim 5 lives
At least five persons have died while a teenage girl has gone missing after being swept away by flashfloods caused by heavy rainfall in many districts of the country for the last couple of days. Floods and landslides have also crippled normal life in many districts as vast swathes of land and various settlements have been inundated due to heavy rainfall.
According to various reports, Sabitri Gharti Magar, 40, of Sewar in Dhikpur VDC, Dang district died after being swept away by a river Wednesday afternoon. Her body was found some 400 meters away from her house. Similarly, Nimraj Khanal, 24, a resident of Matera VDC-3 in the same district was swept away by a flashflood while crossing the Kala stream in Tulsipur Tuesday evening. His dead body was recovered some distance away from his house Wednesday morning.
In another incident, 29-year-old Geeta Pulami of Rauta VDC, Udaypur died when she was buried under a landslide in Tarkhola Wednesday. While 25-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnabati was swept away and died while crossing the flooded Sokhu river, a teenage girl has gone missing when the river also swept her away, reports said.
In Kohanpur of Banke district, Sashi Poudel, 35, was killed after being trapped in her house in Kohalpur-4 as it collapsed due to flood on Wednesday.
The Kathmandu Post reported that hundreds of local have been rendered homeless in Mahottari as rainfall continue to wreak havoc in the district. Many thatched-roofed houses in the villages have collapsed. Similarly, over 300 houses of Birgunj sub-metropolis have been inundated while scores in other villages in Parsa district have also come under water due to flashfloods. Normal life in Sunsari, Saptari, Chitwan and Surkhet districts has also been affected due to rainfall and flashfloods.
A team from the Area Police Post Narayanpur rescued passengers and salvaged a bus that was on the verge of being swept away by the Patre stream on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, as flashfloods and landslides continue to affect life in many districts, experts at the Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP) fear that things can get worse as this is just the beginning of monsoon. However, the department has taken no measures to prevent disaster in inundation-prone areas.
“The India-built Laxmanpur, Khurdalautan and several other dams and structures at many border points along rivers flowing from Nepal to India are part of the reason behind the inundation,” Khom Raj Dahal, Deputy Director General of DWIDP told the Kathmandu Post. nepalnews.com ag July 26 07
At least five persons have died while a teenage girl has gone missing after being swept away by flashfloods caused by heavy rainfall in many districts of the country for the last couple of days. Floods and landslides have also crippled normal life in many districts as vast swathes of land and various settlements have been inundated due to heavy rainfall.
According to various reports, Sabitri Gharti Magar, 40, of Sewar in Dhikpur VDC, Dang district died after being swept away by a river Wednesday afternoon. Her body was found some 400 meters away from her house. Similarly, Nimraj Khanal, 24, a resident of Matera VDC-3 in the same district was swept away by a flashflood while crossing the Kala stream in Tulsipur Tuesday evening. His dead body was recovered some distance away from his house Wednesday morning.
In another incident, 29-year-old Geeta Pulami of Rauta VDC, Udaypur died when she was buried under a landslide in Tarkhola Wednesday. While 25-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnabati was swept away and died while crossing the flooded Sokhu river, a teenage girl has gone missing when the river also swept her away, reports said.
In Kohanpur of Banke district, Sashi Poudel, 35, was killed after being trapped in her house in Kohalpur-4 as it collapsed due to flood on Wednesday.
The Kathmandu Post reported that hundreds of local have been rendered homeless in Mahottari as rainfall continue to wreak havoc in the district. Many thatched-roofed houses in the villages have collapsed. Similarly, over 300 houses of Birgunj sub-metropolis have been inundated while scores in other villages in Parsa district have also come under water due to flashfloods. Normal life in Sunsari, Saptari, Chitwan and Surkhet districts has also been affected due to rainfall and flashfloods.
A team from the Area Police Post Narayanpur rescued passengers and salvaged a bus that was on the verge of being swept away by the Patre stream on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, as flashfloods and landslides continue to affect life in many districts, experts at the Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP) fear that things can get worse as this is just the beginning of monsoon. However, the department has taken no measures to prevent disaster in inundation-prone areas.
“The India-built Laxmanpur, Khurdalautan and several other dams and structures at many border points along rivers flowing from Nepal to India are part of the reason behind the inundation,” Khom Raj Dahal, Deputy Director General of DWIDP told the Kathmandu Post. nepalnews.com ag July 26 07
July 26,
Lawmakers call for immediate relief works in flood affected areas
Lawmakers call for immediate relief works in flood affected areas
Parliamentarians have drawn the government’s attention towards the problems facing the flood affected people in Terai.
Speaking during Thursday's session of the Interim Legislature Parliament, lawmakers asked government to update the House regarding the efforts being made rescuing the flood affected people across the Terai area. They suggested the government to make a long-term plan to tackle problems created by the flashfloods before the start of rainy season.
MP Ram Kumar Chaudhary said government's inability to devise long-term plans left Terai people high and dry during rainy season every year.
Other MPs from Terai also called for quick relief works in the flood affected areas.
Meanwhile, parliamentarians expressed mixed reaction over the ongoing efforts of the government to hold talks with the armed and unarmed agitating groups.
A few of them asked the government to stop dialogue with the armed groups that intend to disintegrate the nation while others urged positive response to the demands put forward by the agitating groups in Terai, Janajatis, Dalits and others.
On the other hand, the Maoist lawmakers sought explanation from the defence minister Girija Prasad Koirala regarding the activities of the Nepal Army if he was unaware of the recent controversial deployment of the army personnel for personal security of the Maoist ministers.
Maoist MPs Bam Dev Chhetri and Tilak Pariyar said Koirala must answer the parliament regarding the deployment and ensure that Nepal Army is fully under the control of the government. nepalnews.com ia July 26 07
Parliamentarians have drawn the government’s attention towards the problems facing the flood affected people in Terai.
Speaking during Thursday's session of the Interim Legislature Parliament, lawmakers asked government to update the House regarding the efforts being made rescuing the flood affected people across the Terai area. They suggested the government to make a long-term plan to tackle problems created by the flashfloods before the start of rainy season.
MP Ram Kumar Chaudhary said government's inability to devise long-term plans left Terai people high and dry during rainy season every year.
Other MPs from Terai also called for quick relief works in the flood affected areas.
Meanwhile, parliamentarians expressed mixed reaction over the ongoing efforts of the government to hold talks with the armed and unarmed agitating groups.
A few of them asked the government to stop dialogue with the armed groups that intend to disintegrate the nation while others urged positive response to the demands put forward by the agitating groups in Terai, Janajatis, Dalits and others.
On the other hand, the Maoist lawmakers sought explanation from the defence minister Girija Prasad Koirala regarding the activities of the Nepal Army if he was unaware of the recent controversial deployment of the army personnel for personal security of the Maoist ministers.
Maoist MPs Bam Dev Chhetri and Tilak Pariyar said Koirala must answer the parliament regarding the deployment and ensure that Nepal Army is fully under the control of the government. nepalnews.com ia July 26 07
Hill Landslides,
Natural Disasters,
Terai Floods
Flood wreaks havoc in various places, four feared dead
Flood wreaks havoc in various places, four feared dead
Flood caused by torrential monsoon rainfall has wreaked havoc in a number of districts in southern plains, particularly affecting Banke and Bardiya in the mid-west and Jhapa in the east. Four people have been feared dead in separate incidents.
In Nepalgunj, a large section of the city has been waterlogged. In some parts of the city, water level has risen to 4 feet forcing the people to flee their homes and seek shelter in school buildings. Electricity supply in the city has also been cut off due to inundation of local station.
In Banke and Bardiya districts, the overflow from the swollen Rapti, Babai and other local streams have inundated surrounding villages. After two days of incessant rainfall, thousands of houses have been affected due to gushing flood waters. Reports say around 2000 people have been displaced from there.
In Dadeldhura, a boy named Madan Bhatta was swept away by a swollen local river.
In Jhapa district, reports say that scores of people have been affected, particularly in Anarmani VDC near Birtamode. Bhutanese refugee camps including Goldhap, Khudunabari, Timai, Beldangi in Jhapa and Pathari in Morang district have also been affected by the flood waters.
Likewise, flash floods have also affected Mahottari, Dhanusha, Sarlahi, Saptari, Bara and Nawalparasi districts. In Saptari, the local Bhim dam has been damaged affecting thirteen VDCs. A girl named Mamata Kumari Das has been swept away by swollen Mahauli stream. In Bara, 300 houses have been inundated including 200 in Dharmanagar area alone. Furthermore, in Nawalparasi, flood from Dhanewa river has inundated parts of Khadewa VDC.
In Udayapur district, two people have been feared dead after being swept away by swollen Triyuga river in separate incidents.
Meanwhile, Thir Bahadur GC, an under secretary at the Natural Disaster Relief Division at the Home Ministry, told Nepal FM, that the government has swung into action for rescue and relief. He claimed that the center is coordinating with district disaster relief committees.
On the other hand, landslide in Tanahun district has obstructed a section of Prithvi highway in Yenapak.
The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology has said that currently monsoon is more active in Terai than in hilly region. Country has seen heavy rainfall for the past one week. nepalnews.com sd Jul 26 07
Flood caused by torrential monsoon rainfall has wreaked havoc in a number of districts in southern plains, particularly affecting Banke and Bardiya in the mid-west and Jhapa in the east. Four people have been feared dead in separate incidents.
In Nepalgunj, a large section of the city has been waterlogged. In some parts of the city, water level has risen to 4 feet forcing the people to flee their homes and seek shelter in school buildings. Electricity supply in the city has also been cut off due to inundation of local station.
In Banke and Bardiya districts, the overflow from the swollen Rapti, Babai and other local streams have inundated surrounding villages. After two days of incessant rainfall, thousands of houses have been affected due to gushing flood waters. Reports say around 2000 people have been displaced from there.
In Dadeldhura, a boy named Madan Bhatta was swept away by a swollen local river.
In Jhapa district, reports say that scores of people have been affected, particularly in Anarmani VDC near Birtamode. Bhutanese refugee camps including Goldhap, Khudunabari, Timai, Beldangi in Jhapa and Pathari in Morang district have also been affected by the flood waters.
Likewise, flash floods have also affected Mahottari, Dhanusha, Sarlahi, Saptari, Bara and Nawalparasi districts. In Saptari, the local Bhim dam has been damaged affecting thirteen VDCs. A girl named Mamata Kumari Das has been swept away by swollen Mahauli stream. In Bara, 300 houses have been inundated including 200 in Dharmanagar area alone. Furthermore, in Nawalparasi, flood from Dhanewa river has inundated parts of Khadewa VDC.
In Udayapur district, two people have been feared dead after being swept away by swollen Triyuga river in separate incidents.
Meanwhile, Thir Bahadur GC, an under secretary at the Natural Disaster Relief Division at the Home Ministry, told Nepal FM, that the government has swung into action for rescue and relief. He claimed that the center is coordinating with district disaster relief committees.
On the other hand, landslide in Tanahun district has obstructed a section of Prithvi highway in Yenapak.
The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology has said that currently monsoon is more active in Terai than in hilly region. Country has seen heavy rainfall for the past one week. nepalnews.com sd Jul 26 07
Hill Landslides,
Terai Floods
Five of a family killed in landslide
Five of a family killed in landslide
Five persons of a same family were killed in a landslide in a remote village in Salyan district on Thursday.
They were killed when a house was swept away by a fierce landslide in Chharchhare of Kaprechaur VDC of Salyan district.
Those killed include Dhal Bahadur Ramjali, his wife and three children. His two other children, however, survived the incident.
According to local people, relief and rehab have been affected due to continued landslide in the area.
Meanwhile, monsoon rainfall has continued to lash the country causing losses of lives and properties in Terai region. nepalnews.com sd Jul 27
Five persons of a same family were killed in a landslide in a remote village in Salyan district on Thursday.
They were killed when a house was swept away by a fierce landslide in Chharchhare of Kaprechaur VDC of Salyan district.
Those killed include Dhal Bahadur Ramjali, his wife and three children. His two other children, however, survived the incident.
According to local people, relief and rehab have been affected due to continued landslide in the area.
Meanwhile, monsoon rainfall has continued to lash the country causing losses of lives and properties in Terai region. nepalnews.com sd Jul 27
July 27,
Kaprechaur VDC,
Floods hit 200 Bardiya families
Floods hit 200 Bardiya families
Himalayan News Service
Bardiya, July 25:
Floods in streams and the Bahai river triggered by incessant rains since yesterday have affected at least 200 households. Following the mayhem, standing paddy crops in large areas also suffered extensive damage.
According to the Bardiya district police office, today’s flood displaced over 100 households at Taswa village in Mohammedpur VDC of the district. Taswa villagers were also forced to shift
lock, stock and barrel to higher places.
Constable Hemant BC at the district police control office said rescue teams of the police have been rushed from the district headquarters Gulariya to the site. He added that no human casualty occurred.
Flood in the Babai river also damaged a bridge and a culvert, flooding over 100 houses in Belwa VDC-7. Occupants of the flooded houses shifted to a nearby village on higher ground.
The flood in the river
also damaged paddy crops on 15 bighas of land in Padnaha VDC, police said. So far no loss of human life has been reported.
Saptari villages submerged
Rajbiraj: Seven villages in Saptari district were inundated on Wednesday after the Khando river overflowed and entered into human settlements. Bamangamakatti, Topa, Koiladi, Kobarsain, Mahadeva, Katti and Sakarpur are under floodwaters.
As the Khando river was flooded due to rains for the last three days, the villages were submerged, said one Bindeshwor Mandal of Topa. Villagers started moving away from villages in search of safe places since early morning today, he added.
The Rajbiraj-Hanumannagar road section has also been inundated, Mandal said. — HNS
Himalayan News Service
Bardiya, July 25:
Floods in streams and the Bahai river triggered by incessant rains since yesterday have affected at least 200 households. Following the mayhem, standing paddy crops in large areas also suffered extensive damage.
According to the Bardiya district police office, today’s flood displaced over 100 households at Taswa village in Mohammedpur VDC of the district. Taswa villagers were also forced to shift
lock, stock and barrel to higher places.
Constable Hemant BC at the district police control office said rescue teams of the police have been rushed from the district headquarters Gulariya to the site. He added that no human casualty occurred.
Flood in the Babai river also damaged a bridge and a culvert, flooding over 100 houses in Belwa VDC-7. Occupants of the flooded houses shifted to a nearby village on higher ground.
The flood in the river
also damaged paddy crops on 15 bighas of land in Padnaha VDC, police said. So far no loss of human life has been reported.
Saptari villages submerged
Rajbiraj: Seven villages in Saptari district were inundated on Wednesday after the Khando river overflowed and entered into human settlements. Bamangamakatti, Topa, Koiladi, Kobarsain, Mahadeva, Katti and Sakarpur are under floodwaters.
As the Khando river was flooded due to rains for the last three days, the villages were submerged, said one Bindeshwor Mandal of Topa. Villagers started moving away from villages in search of safe places since early morning today, he added.
The Rajbiraj-Hanumannagar road section has also been inundated, Mandal said. — HNS
Floods claim six more lives
Floods claim six more lives
Himalayan News Service
(Left) A rickshaw-puller and a motorcycle rider have a tough time navigating a waterlogged street in Biratnagar on Thursday. Houses submerged in floodwaters in Rajbiraj in Saptari (right). Dang/Itahari, July 26:
Floods triggered by incessant rains killed six people in various parts of the country today. Five persons of a family were killed when a landslide triggered by rains buried a house at Kavrechaur VDC-3 of Salyan district today, our Dang correspondent reported.
According to the police, the landslide buried the house of Dhal Bahadur Ramjali killing himself, his wife and his three children.
Sunsari, Morang, Saptari, Siraha, Bara, Parsa and Banke have been reeling under floods and rains for three days.
Sita Devi Bohora, 40, of Syadi in Bajhang district, died when a landslide struck her house today, police said. In Bhukduwa of Saptari, Lalan Das’ daughter Mamta, 16, drowned in the Mahuli Khola. Ganesh BK of Dafe in Bardiya drowned in the Pedani Khola at Khajura, Banke.
Two children have gone missing in Bankatte of Banke, police said.
The flooded Rapti and Duduwa rivers have swamped most of the villages in seven VDCs of Banke.
Banke CDO Krishna Acharya said police and army teams have been mobilised to rescue the affected people. Over 20 villages in Banke are waterlogged.
Sixteen VDCs, including some in Itahari and Inaruwa municipalities of Sunsari district, are waterlogged, while floods swept away three houses in Narsingh VDC of Sunsari.
In Siraha, Kusheshwor Mahara and 11-year-old Rina Kumari Sada of Anarma-Prapi-5 were injured when a log fell on them as the flooded Mainawati Khola swept away a house.
Twenty VDCs of Siraha are waterlogged due to floods in Kamala, Khuttikhola, Mainawati, Gagan, Sahaja, Khutti, Ghurmi and Galthi rivers.
In Saptari, 400 houses are waterlogged. The Khando river burst the Bhim dam and spilled
over into Nopa, Kobarsain, Kamdhepura, Sakapura, Bamangamakatti, Koiladi and Rampuramalhaniya VDCs.
Two hundred houses are waterlogged in Bangebazaar tole of Fattehpur, another 200 in Naya bazaar of Theliya and 40 in Bhagni, Maleth and Odraha.
Over 2,000 houses in Tandeshwari VDC in Udayapur are waterlogged.
In Sarlahi, nine houses collapsed while floodwaters entered 50 houses, police said. In Malangawa, 94 houses collapsed after floodwaters entered 23 villages.
Rural roads have been blocked in Ilam, which has been lashed by rains since a fortnight.
In Morang, Urlabari, Pathari, Itahara and other areas are waterlogged. Three hundred families in Hokalwadi Tole of Mahabhara and other areas in Jhapa district have marooned due to flooding in the Baniyani river and Kamal Khola. Over 1,000 houses are waterlogged in Bardiya district.
In Rautahat, 136 houses collapsed in 18 VDCS and Gaur municipality wards 6 and 9. Half a dozen villages are swamped in Nawalparasi district, while dozens of villages are swamped in Dhanusha district.
Source: THT
Himalayan News Service
(Left) A rickshaw-puller and a motorcycle rider have a tough time navigating a waterlogged street in Biratnagar on Thursday. Houses submerged in floodwaters in Rajbiraj in Saptari (right). Dang/Itahari, July 26:
Floods triggered by incessant rains killed six people in various parts of the country today. Five persons of a family were killed when a landslide triggered by rains buried a house at Kavrechaur VDC-3 of Salyan district today, our Dang correspondent reported.
According to the police, the landslide buried the house of Dhal Bahadur Ramjali killing himself, his wife and his three children.
Sunsari, Morang, Saptari, Siraha, Bara, Parsa and Banke have been reeling under floods and rains for three days.
Sita Devi Bohora, 40, of Syadi in Bajhang district, died when a landslide struck her house today, police said. In Bhukduwa of Saptari, Lalan Das’ daughter Mamta, 16, drowned in the Mahuli Khola. Ganesh BK of Dafe in Bardiya drowned in the Pedani Khola at Khajura, Banke.
Two children have gone missing in Bankatte of Banke, police said.
The flooded Rapti and Duduwa rivers have swamped most of the villages in seven VDCs of Banke.
Banke CDO Krishna Acharya said police and army teams have been mobilised to rescue the affected people. Over 20 villages in Banke are waterlogged.
Sixteen VDCs, including some in Itahari and Inaruwa municipalities of Sunsari district, are waterlogged, while floods swept away three houses in Narsingh VDC of Sunsari.
In Siraha, Kusheshwor Mahara and 11-year-old Rina Kumari Sada of Anarma-Prapi-5 were injured when a log fell on them as the flooded Mainawati Khola swept away a house.
Twenty VDCs of Siraha are waterlogged due to floods in Kamala, Khuttikhola, Mainawati, Gagan, Sahaja, Khutti, Ghurmi and Galthi rivers.
In Saptari, 400 houses are waterlogged. The Khando river burst the Bhim dam and spilled
over into Nopa, Kobarsain, Kamdhepura, Sakapura, Bamangamakatti, Koiladi and Rampuramalhaniya VDCs.
Two hundred houses are waterlogged in Bangebazaar tole of Fattehpur, another 200 in Naya bazaar of Theliya and 40 in Bhagni, Maleth and Odraha.
Over 2,000 houses in Tandeshwari VDC in Udayapur are waterlogged.
In Sarlahi, nine houses collapsed while floodwaters entered 50 houses, police said. In Malangawa, 94 houses collapsed after floodwaters entered 23 villages.
Rural roads have been blocked in Ilam, which has been lashed by rains since a fortnight.
In Morang, Urlabari, Pathari, Itahara and other areas are waterlogged. Three hundred families in Hokalwadi Tole of Mahabhara and other areas in Jhapa district have marooned due to flooding in the Baniyani river and Kamal Khola. Over 1,000 houses are waterlogged in Bardiya district.
In Rautahat, 136 houses collapsed in 18 VDCS and Gaur municipality wards 6 and 9. Half a dozen villages are swamped in Nawalparasi district, while dozens of villages are swamped in Dhanusha district.
Source: THT
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Lawmakers demand demolition of Indian dams; floods affect Terai
Lawmakers demand demolition of Indian dams; floods affect Terai
Stating that huge tracts of land have been inundated in various districts of Nepal due to the dams built unilaterally by India along the Indo-Nepal border, parliamentarians have demanded that such ‘physical infrastructures’ be demolished.
Talking in the 'zero' and 'special' hour session of the interim parliament Sunday, parliamentarians drew the attention of the government towards the importance of maintaining a natural flow of the river water in the southern border areas. Saying that the Mahalisagar, Laxmanpur including other dams India unilaterally built along its border with Nepal has caused many houses and huge tracts of arable land to be submerged under water, they demanded that the government make necessary arrangements for the rehabilitation of the people affected by it at the earliest.
“The government should take initiative to demolish the dams built unilaterally in the border areas in contravention of the international norms,” said lawmaker Sunil Prajapati.
Parliamentarian Purna Kumari Subedi said that the people had to silently bear the unjust treaty /agreement that had been signed in the past and demanded the demolition of the Indian dam that has inundated Nepalese territory and caused misery to thousands of people. “The victims of last years floods and inundation are yet to get proper compensation,” she said.
Meanwhile, the incessant rainfall from the past few days has caused havoc in Parsa, Mahottari, Banke, Bara, Rauthat and other districts as hundreds of houses and huge tracts of lands have been submerged by floods.
According to the Kathmandu Post, more than 100 houses in Nagawa, Inaruwa, Ranighat, Radhemai, Bara and Chhapakiya district have been inundated. Police administration distributed beaten rice to 138 flood affected victims in Inaruwa and Radhemai VDCs and Nepal Red Cross Society Parsa also provided tents to affected people.
In another report, the northern parts of Mahottari district have been hugely affected due to floods. More than a dozen offices have been inundated in Jaleshwor municipality.
Similarly, Jaleshwor-Birtamod, Jaleshwor-Itthihani and Sari-Piaguani road sections have been obstructed due to flooding. nepalnews.com ag July 23
Stating that huge tracts of land have been inundated in various districts of Nepal due to the dams built unilaterally by India along the Indo-Nepal border, parliamentarians have demanded that such ‘physical infrastructures’ be demolished.
Talking in the 'zero' and 'special' hour session of the interim parliament Sunday, parliamentarians drew the attention of the government towards the importance of maintaining a natural flow of the river water in the southern border areas. Saying that the Mahalisagar, Laxmanpur including other dams India unilaterally built along its border with Nepal has caused many houses and huge tracts of arable land to be submerged under water, they demanded that the government make necessary arrangements for the rehabilitation of the people affected by it at the earliest.
“The government should take initiative to demolish the dams built unilaterally in the border areas in contravention of the international norms,” said lawmaker Sunil Prajapati.
Parliamentarian Purna Kumari Subedi said that the people had to silently bear the unjust treaty /agreement that had been signed in the past and demanded the demolition of the Indian dam that has inundated Nepalese territory and caused misery to thousands of people. “The victims of last years floods and inundation are yet to get proper compensation,” she said.
Meanwhile, the incessant rainfall from the past few days has caused havoc in Parsa, Mahottari, Banke, Bara, Rauthat and other districts as hundreds of houses and huge tracts of lands have been submerged by floods.
According to the Kathmandu Post, more than 100 houses in Nagawa, Inaruwa, Ranighat, Radhemai, Bara and Chhapakiya district have been inundated. Police administration distributed beaten rice to 138 flood affected victims in Inaruwa and Radhemai VDCs and Nepal Red Cross Society Parsa also provided tents to affected people.
In another report, the northern parts of Mahottari district have been hugely affected due to floods. More than a dozen offices have been inundated in Jaleshwor municipality.
Similarly, Jaleshwor-Birtamod, Jaleshwor-Itthihani and Sari-Piaguani road sections have been obstructed due to flooding. nepalnews.com ag July 23
Flashfloods and landslides claim 5 lives
Flashfloods and landslides claim 5 lives
At least five persons have died while a teenage girl has gone missing after being swept away by flashfloods caused by heavy rainfall in many districts of the country for the last couple of days. Floods and landslides have also crippled normal life in many districts as vast swathes of land and various settlements have been inundated due to heavy rainfall.
According to various reports, Sabitri Gharti Magar, 40, of Sewar in Dhikpur VDC, Dang district died after being swept away by a river Wednesday afternoon. Her body was found some 400 meters away from her house. Similarly, Nimraj Khanal, 24, a resident of Matera VDC-3 in the same district was swept away by a flashflood while crossing the Kala stream in Tulsipur Tuesday evening. His dead body was recovered some distance away from his house Wednesday morning.
In another incident, 29-year-old Geeta Pulami of Rauta VDC, Udaypur died when she was buried under a landslide in Tarkhola Wednesday. While 25-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnabati was swept away and died while crossing the flooded Sokhu river, a teenage girl has gone missing when the river also swept her away, reports said.
In Kohanpur of Banke district, Sashi Poudel, 35, was killed after being trapped in her house in Kohalpur-4 as it collapsed due to flood on Wednesday.
The Kathmandu Post reported that hundreds of local have been rendered homeless in Mahottari as rainfall continue to wreak havoc in the district. Many thatched-roofed houses in the villages have collapsed. Similarly, over 300 houses of Birgunj sub-metropolis have been inundated while scores in other villages in Parsa district have also come under water due to flashfloods. Normal life in Sunsari, Saptari, Chitwan and Surkhet districts has also been affected due to rainfall and flashfloods.
A team from the Area Police Post Narayanpur rescued passengers and salvaged a bus that was on the verge of being swept away by the Patre stream on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, as flashfloods and landslides continue to affect life in many districts, experts at the Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP) fear that things can get worse as this is just the beginning of monsoon. However, the department has taken no measures to prevent disaster in inundation-prone areas.
“The India-built Laxmanpur, Khurdalautan and several other dams and structures at many border points along rivers flowing from Nepal to India are part of the reason behind the inundation,” Khom Raj Dahal, Deputy Director General of DWIDP told the Kathmandu Post. nepalnews.com ag July 26 07
Floods, rains kill four
Himalayan News Service
Dang, July 25:
Heavy rains and floods in different parts of the country since yesterday have claimed the lives of four persons, while a girl has gone missing after a flooded river in Udayapur swept her away.
The four deaths occurred in Dang, Banke and Udayapur districts. Forty-year-old Sabitra Gharti of Dang’s Dhikpur-2 drowned in the Larena river at noon today. Her body was recovered around 400 metres away from her house, a family source said. The body of 24-year-old Nimraj Khanal of Halwar-3, Matera, who was swept away by the flooded Kalakhola yesterday was found today, the district police, Dang, said.
The Ghorahi-Tulsipur and the Ghorahi-Lamahi road sections were blocked due to loodwaters. According to our Gaighat correspondent, 29-year-old Geeta Pulami of Udayapur’s Rauta VDC Guranse died when she was buried by a landslide. While 25-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnabati was swept away while crossing the flooded Sokhu river, a teenage girl has gone missing when the river swept her away, police said.
Our Nepalgunj correspondent quoted Banke DSP Kuber Kathayat as saying that a woman — 35-year-old Shashi Poudel — was killed when her house in Kohalpur-4 in Chappargaudi collapsed due to heavy rains today, while hundreds of other households were affected. The Naubastha, Bankatawa, Ganeshpur and Khajura road sections have been inundated. At least 200 houses were under floodwaters in Ganeshpur-5 of Nepalgunj.
At least five persons have died while a teenage girl has gone missing after being swept away by flashfloods caused by heavy rainfall in many districts of the country for the last couple of days. Floods and landslides have also crippled normal life in many districts as vast swathes of land and various settlements have been inundated due to heavy rainfall.
According to various reports, Sabitri Gharti Magar, 40, of Sewar in Dhikpur VDC, Dang district died after being swept away by a river Wednesday afternoon. Her body was found some 400 meters away from her house. Similarly, Nimraj Khanal, 24, a resident of Matera VDC-3 in the same district was swept away by a flashflood while crossing the Kala stream in Tulsipur Tuesday evening. His dead body was recovered some distance away from his house Wednesday morning.
In another incident, 29-year-old Geeta Pulami of Rauta VDC, Udaypur died when she was buried under a landslide in Tarkhola Wednesday. While 25-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnabati was swept away and died while crossing the flooded Sokhu river, a teenage girl has gone missing when the river also swept her away, reports said.
In Kohanpur of Banke district, Sashi Poudel, 35, was killed after being trapped in her house in Kohalpur-4 as it collapsed due to flood on Wednesday.
The Kathmandu Post reported that hundreds of local have been rendered homeless in Mahottari as rainfall continue to wreak havoc in the district. Many thatched-roofed houses in the villages have collapsed. Similarly, over 300 houses of Birgunj sub-metropolis have been inundated while scores in other villages in Parsa district have also come under water due to flashfloods. Normal life in Sunsari, Saptari, Chitwan and Surkhet districts has also been affected due to rainfall and flashfloods.
A team from the Area Police Post Narayanpur rescued passengers and salvaged a bus that was on the verge of being swept away by the Patre stream on Wednesday.
Meanwhile, as flashfloods and landslides continue to affect life in many districts, experts at the Department of Water Induced Disaster Prevention (DWIDP) fear that things can get worse as this is just the beginning of monsoon. However, the department has taken no measures to prevent disaster in inundation-prone areas.
“The India-built Laxmanpur, Khurdalautan and several other dams and structures at many border points along rivers flowing from Nepal to India are part of the reason behind the inundation,” Khom Raj Dahal, Deputy Director General of DWIDP told the Kathmandu Post. nepalnews.com ag July 26 07
Floods, rains kill four
Himalayan News Service
Dang, July 25:
Heavy rains and floods in different parts of the country since yesterday have claimed the lives of four persons, while a girl has gone missing after a flooded river in Udayapur swept her away.
The four deaths occurred in Dang, Banke and Udayapur districts. Forty-year-old Sabitra Gharti of Dang’s Dhikpur-2 drowned in the Larena river at noon today. Her body was recovered around 400 metres away from her house, a family source said. The body of 24-year-old Nimraj Khanal of Halwar-3, Matera, who was swept away by the flooded Kalakhola yesterday was found today, the district police, Dang, said.
The Ghorahi-Tulsipur and the Ghorahi-Lamahi road sections were blocked due to loodwaters. According to our Gaighat correspondent, 29-year-old Geeta Pulami of Udayapur’s Rauta VDC Guranse died when she was buried by a landslide. While 25-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnabati was swept away while crossing the flooded Sokhu river, a teenage girl has gone missing when the river swept her away, police said.
Our Nepalgunj correspondent quoted Banke DSP Kuber Kathayat as saying that a woman — 35-year-old Shashi Poudel — was killed when her house in Kohalpur-4 in Chappargaudi collapsed due to heavy rains today, while hundreds of other households were affected. The Naubastha, Bankatawa, Ganeshpur and Khajura road sections have been inundated. At least 200 houses were under floodwaters in Ganeshpur-5 of Nepalgunj.
Rains, floods wreak havoc across country; two dead, one missing
Rains, floods wreak havoc across country; two dead, one missing
Kantipur Report
DANG/ MAHOTTARI, July 25 - Heavy rainfall and floods have brought normal life to a standstill in eastern and western Nepal for the third day running.
One person was swept away when a river burst its banks in Dang while many in eastern Nepal were rendered homeless due to rising water levels.
A resident of Halwaar VDC-4, Nimraj Khanal, 24 was found dead Wednesday morning, the District Police Office, Dang said. Khanal was swept away by a flash flood while he was crossing Kala Khola along Ghorahi-Tulispur road Tuesday evening, the police added.
In a separate incident in Sindhuli, a woman went missing this morning, reportedly swept away when she went to bathe in the Sunkoshi River, bordering Sindhuli and Udaypur districts.
She has been identified as 24-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnawoti VDC.
Normal life in Mahottari district was also severely affected as the monsoon continued to pound the region.
According to our local correspondent, patients in the Jaleshwor District Hospital were stranded after the hospital roof collapsed following heavy rainfall on Tuesday.
At least a dozen villages in Saptari district have been inundated after a dam built in the Saptakoshi River was swept away.
In neighbouring Sunsari district, Mahendranagar, Prakashpur, Madhuwan, Kusaha and some villages were also submerged.
Floods battered and washed away Jyoti Pre-primary School building at Dadhuwaa in Pulachour VDC -7 in Myagdi district on Wednesday.
17 families of the Dalit community in Myagdi were rendered homeless after a landslide occurred at Dholthana in Ghatan VDC.
Similarly, landslides have disrupted transport services in Pyuthan at Dampti Bahane road and Dahawan Tila.
The Katari-Okhaldunga stretch of the Siddhicharan Highway remained obstructed due to the torrential rainfall.
The Hardeni-Udayapur section of the road in Udaypur has also been obstructed after the road section was struck by a landslide. The highway is the only way to transport commodities to Okhaldhunga, Solukhumbu, and other adjoining areas.
Nepalgunj threatened by more floods
One 35-year-old Shashi Poudel died when the roof of his house collapsed due to the heavy rainfall in Chapagaudhi, Kohalpur-4 in Banke on Wednesday evening at around 4:30.
Meanwhile, most parts of Nepalgunj have been flooded.
Roads have been obstructed due rising water levels, in some areas up to 3 feet following continuous rainfall throughout Wednesday.
The Nepalgunj bus park area is under water. Around five homes have been badly affected by the water while some owners have been forced to flee their homes. The Tibhuwan Chowk area has been reportedly inundated up to knee level.
Similarly, Dhambojji, Bageshwori temple premises, Shahid Setu B. K. Chowk, the District Police Office and the dental hospital are also partly submerged.
The locals have asked the government for immediate help.
Posted on: 2007-07-25 05:08:57 (Server Time)
Kantipur Report
DANG/ MAHOTTARI, July 25 - Heavy rainfall and floods have brought normal life to a standstill in eastern and western Nepal for the third day running.
One person was swept away when a river burst its banks in Dang while many in eastern Nepal were rendered homeless due to rising water levels.
A resident of Halwaar VDC-4, Nimraj Khanal, 24 was found dead Wednesday morning, the District Police Office, Dang said. Khanal was swept away by a flash flood while he was crossing Kala Khola along Ghorahi-Tulispur road Tuesday evening, the police added.
In a separate incident in Sindhuli, a woman went missing this morning, reportedly swept away when she went to bathe in the Sunkoshi River, bordering Sindhuli and Udaypur districts.
She has been identified as 24-year-old Angira Khadka of Ratnawoti VDC.
Normal life in Mahottari district was also severely affected as the monsoon continued to pound the region.
According to our local correspondent, patients in the Jaleshwor District Hospital were stranded after the hospital roof collapsed following heavy rainfall on Tuesday.
At least a dozen villages in Saptari district have been inundated after a dam built in the Saptakoshi River was swept away.
In neighbouring Sunsari district, Mahendranagar, Prakashpur, Madhuwan, Kusaha and some villages were also submerged.
Floods battered and washed away Jyoti Pre-primary School building at Dadhuwaa in Pulachour VDC -7 in Myagdi district on Wednesday.
17 families of the Dalit community in Myagdi were rendered homeless after a landslide occurred at Dholthana in Ghatan VDC.
Similarly, landslides have disrupted transport services in Pyuthan at Dampti Bahane road and Dahawan Tila.
The Katari-Okhaldunga stretch of the Siddhicharan Highway remained obstructed due to the torrential rainfall.
The Hardeni-Udayapur section of the road in Udaypur has also been obstructed after the road section was struck by a landslide. The highway is the only way to transport commodities to Okhaldhunga, Solukhumbu, and other adjoining areas.
Nepalgunj threatened by more floods
One 35-year-old Shashi Poudel died when the roof of his house collapsed due to the heavy rainfall in Chapagaudhi, Kohalpur-4 in Banke on Wednesday evening at around 4:30.
Meanwhile, most parts of Nepalgunj have been flooded.
Roads have been obstructed due rising water levels, in some areas up to 3 feet following continuous rainfall throughout Wednesday.
The Nepalgunj bus park area is under water. Around five homes have been badly affected by the water while some owners have been forced to flee their homes. The Tibhuwan Chowk area has been reportedly inundated up to knee level.
Similarly, Dhambojji, Bageshwori temple premises, Shahid Setu B. K. Chowk, the District Police Office and the dental hospital are also partly submerged.
The locals have asked the government for immediate help.
Posted on: 2007-07-25 05:08:57 (Server Time)
Monsoon mayhem continues in eastern Nepal
Monsoon mayhem continues in eastern Nepal
Kantipur Report
MAHOTTARI, July 24 - Hundreds of people have been rendered homeless in eastern Terai while transport services in parts of the western hills have been disrupted due to heavy monsoon rains.
Normal life in Mahottari district has been severely affected due to three days of torrential downpour.
Many parts of the district are flooded, forcing hundreds of people to flee their homes.
The rainfall has not stopped and floods on a lighter scale are still continuing, the police said.
Large parts of the district headquarters at Jaleshwor have been flooded.
In Jaleshwor jail, the water level has soared up to two feet. Jailer Arjun Sharma said, “Inmates are falling sick due to rain-induced colds and lack of proper sleep.”
Similarly, transport services have been severely affected by water logged roads.
Similarly, the southern parts of Sarlahi district have also come under the effect of the heavy rainfall.
“The local administration in Sarlahi district is preparing to tackle any possible natural calamities as the water level in the area has been rising,” an official at the Chief District Office, Sarlahi said from Malangawa.
Around a dozen villages in Rautahat have been submerged under water.
Tejapaakad, Karuniya, Pathara, Budharaam, Akolba, Inaruwa and Bhasedawa among other VDCs have been inundated. The floods have also destroyed thousands of crops.
“The roads have been obstructed,” chief of the Gaur Customs Office Mojhar Allam said. “The revenue collection was nil on Sunday.”
Due to the bad condition of the roads, the import of essential commodities from India has been also affected.
Downpour affects life in Gulmi, Palpa
In western Nepal, roads in Gulmi district have also been affected by the rainfall.
Roads have been swept away by the heavy downpour affecting transport services in the Chaldi-Simaltaari, Ratdada-Paudiamrai, Arjai-Ghamir-Arkhabang, Purkot, Bajhkateri, Gaudakot, Jubhung to Majuwa stretches.
Similarly, the Siddhartha Highway which was blocked due to floods last night has been partly reopened today.
According to our local correspondent, public transport to Siddhababa Dovan in Palpa has resumed.
Source: Kantipur
Posted on: 2007-07-24 03:20:37 (Server Time)
Kantipur Report
MAHOTTARI, July 24 - Hundreds of people have been rendered homeless in eastern Terai while transport services in parts of the western hills have been disrupted due to heavy monsoon rains.
Normal life in Mahottari district has been severely affected due to three days of torrential downpour.
Many parts of the district are flooded, forcing hundreds of people to flee their homes.
The rainfall has not stopped and floods on a lighter scale are still continuing, the police said.
Large parts of the district headquarters at Jaleshwor have been flooded.
In Jaleshwor jail, the water level has soared up to two feet. Jailer Arjun Sharma said, “Inmates are falling sick due to rain-induced colds and lack of proper sleep.”
Similarly, transport services have been severely affected by water logged roads.
Similarly, the southern parts of Sarlahi district have also come under the effect of the heavy rainfall.
“The local administration in Sarlahi district is preparing to tackle any possible natural calamities as the water level in the area has been rising,” an official at the Chief District Office, Sarlahi said from Malangawa.
Around a dozen villages in Rautahat have been submerged under water.
Tejapaakad, Karuniya, Pathara, Budharaam, Akolba, Inaruwa and Bhasedawa among other VDCs have been inundated. The floods have also destroyed thousands of crops.
“The roads have been obstructed,” chief of the Gaur Customs Office Mojhar Allam said. “The revenue collection was nil on Sunday.”
Due to the bad condition of the roads, the import of essential commodities from India has been also affected.
Downpour affects life in Gulmi, Palpa
In western Nepal, roads in Gulmi district have also been affected by the rainfall.
Roads have been swept away by the heavy downpour affecting transport services in the Chaldi-Simaltaari, Ratdada-Paudiamrai, Arjai-Ghamir-Arkhabang, Purkot, Bajhkateri, Gaudakot, Jubhung to Majuwa stretches.
Similarly, the Siddhartha Highway which was blocked due to floods last night has been partly reopened today.
According to our local correspondent, public transport to Siddhababa Dovan in Palpa has resumed.
Source: Kantipur
Posted on: 2007-07-24 03:20:37 (Server Time)
Hospital collapses due to heavy downpour in Nepal
Hospital collapses due to heavy downpour in Nepal
Kathmandu, July 25 (Xinhua): A two-storey building of the 125- year-old Jaleswor hospital in Mahottari district in central Nepal collapsed due to the heavy downpour, leaving scores of patients stranded in the hospital, the National News Agency RSS reported on Wednesday.
The roof in the western front of the building crumbled and the wall is on the verge of collapse. All rooms of in-door department are inundated with rainwater, the RSS reported.
The patients in the ward are now being transfered to the building of Family Planning Association of Nepal.
Likewise, rainfall has been a problem in obstetric service, obstetric room and isolation ward in another building of in-door department.
In the flood-hit district, some 130 km south of Kathmandu, the number of viral fever patients visiting hospitals and health centers have gone up in the past one week.
Most of the rural areas in the district are in the grip of the disease. Most of the patients visiting the district hospital in Jaleshwor have fever, a health worker Anita Sharma, said.
A sudden surge in the mercury level and polluted water may have caused the spread of the disease, said the head of the district hospital Dr Pawan Thakur.
"The viral fever may develop into kala-zar and typhoid if patients don't get timely medical treatment," Thakur added.
Source: The Hindu
Hospital collapses due to heavy downpour in Nepal
Kathmandu, July 25 (Xinhua): A two-storey building of the 125- year-old Jaleswor hospital in Mahottari district in central Nepal collapsed due to the heavy downpour, leaving scores of patients stranded in the hospital, the National News Agency RSS reported on Wednesday.
The roof in the western front of the building crumbled and the wall is on the verge of collapse. All rooms of in-door department are inundated with rainwater, the RSS reported.
The patients in the ward are now being transfered to the building of Family Planning Association of Nepal.
Likewise, rainfall has been a problem in obstetric service, obstetric room and isolation ward in another building of in-door department.
In the flood-hit district, some 130 km south of Kathmandu, the number of viral fever patients visiting hospitals and health centers have gone up in the past one week.
Most of the rural areas in the district are in the grip of the disease. Most of the patients visiting the district hospital in Jaleshwor have fever, a health worker Anita Sharma, said.
A sudden surge in the mercury level and polluted water may have caused the spread of the disease, said the head of the district hospital Dr Pawan Thakur.
"The viral fever may develop into kala-zar and typhoid if patients don't get timely medical treatment," Thakur added.
Source: The Hindu
terai Flood
More Rains expected in Nepal coming week - Rainfall Prediction for South Asia and Asia Continent: July 25 - August 1, 2007
Here are two images showing expected rainfall in South Asia and Asia continent, provided by NOAA Climate Prediction Center
The above image for South Asia is subset of larger image covering entire Asia Continent given below.
One should look at the image and the given map legend to understand the rainfall scenario. In the map, Nepal is covered by top three classes/colors in the bar scale of precipitation. Minimum of 75 to 100 mm rains is there in every part of the country, although the area covered by this category is only in 5% of the area. The rest of 90% of the country is covered by a rainfall category which is in the range of 100 to 150mm. Remaining 5% is covered by a rainfall range of more than 150mm.
All this means, we should anticipate more rains than the last week (July 18-25) rains posted earlier. Districts in east and central east terai were mostly inundated in flood waters last week. What should expect this week? Even more. Expect more districts being soaked in flood waters especially in the Terai of Western, Central and eastern Development regions. The districts that are going to be affected are: Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Makwanpur, Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Rupandehi, Kapilbastu and Jhapa. The districts which were flooded last week - Mahottari, Dhanusha, will get even more run-off as their upstream high mountains are getting more rains (especially Dolakha area) and expect more landslides in Central region hills – because landslides in the mountains are directly related to the soil moisture index. Many parts of the hill slope will get above a threshold when rains are above 100mm that causes landslide in Monsoon.
The northern Bangladesh, Assam and Meghalaya (especially north-east India) have very intense rains coming week indicating increase in the water levels in the Delta plains, and expect more news about more area in Bangladesh under water.
The above image for South Asia is subset of larger image covering entire Asia Continent given below.
One should look at the image and the given map legend to understand the rainfall scenario. In the map, Nepal is covered by top three classes/colors in the bar scale of precipitation. Minimum of 75 to 100 mm rains is there in every part of the country, although the area covered by this category is only in 5% of the area. The rest of 90% of the country is covered by a rainfall category which is in the range of 100 to 150mm. Remaining 5% is covered by a rainfall range of more than 150mm.
All this means, we should anticipate more rains than the last week (July 18-25) rains posted earlier. Districts in east and central east terai were mostly inundated in flood waters last week. What should expect this week? Even more. Expect more districts being soaked in flood waters especially in the Terai of Western, Central and eastern Development regions. The districts that are going to be affected are: Rautahat, Bara, Parsa, Makwanpur, Chitwan, Nawalparasi, Rupandehi, Kapilbastu and Jhapa. The districts which were flooded last week - Mahottari, Dhanusha, will get even more run-off as their upstream high mountains are getting more rains (especially Dolakha area) and expect more landslides in Central region hills – because landslides in the mountains are directly related to the soil moisture index. Many parts of the hill slope will get above a threshold when rains are above 100mm that causes landslide in Monsoon.
The northern Bangladesh, Assam and Meghalaya (especially north-east India) have very intense rains coming week indicating increase in the water levels in the Delta plains, and expect more news about more area in Bangladesh under water.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Rainfall Prediction for Asia and South Asia for the period of July 18-25, 2007
Here are two maps showing rainfall prediction for the period July 18-25, 2007 presented by Climate Prediction Center, NOAA.
The maps show that although there will be rains over Nepal, the intensity will be significantly less than other parts in the region such North-central India, Assam, Meghalaya, Bhutan, Bangladesh. Heavy rainfall is limited to Dolkha, Manang, Bajhang (some in Darchula and Humla), and Jhapa. This map shows less pockets of heavy rains than the earlier predictions. However, the predictions remain unaltered for the regions in India's states of Assam, Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttaranchal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Source: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/fews/global/asia/
The maps show that although there will be rains over Nepal, the intensity will be significantly less than other parts in the region such North-central India, Assam, Meghalaya, Bhutan, Bangladesh. Heavy rainfall is limited to Dolkha, Manang, Bajhang (some in Darchula and Humla), and Jhapa. This map shows less pockets of heavy rains than the earlier predictions. However, the predictions remain unaltered for the regions in India's states of Assam, Meghalaya, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Uttaranchal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar.
Source: http://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/fews/global/asia/
34 dead in Landslide in western Nepal
34 dead in Landslide in western Nepal
Updated: 2007-07-18 02:52
The Nepali Home Ministry said at least 34 were confirmed dead by Tuesday evening in the landslide that took place in Baglung District situated some 180 km west of Kathmandu.
The ministry told the local media, the rescue and relief operations in the affected regions have been intensified despite the bad weather.
At the same time, the Natural Disaster Mitigation Committee ( NDMC) is preparing to send additional relief to the affected areas.
The ministry has also ruled out the possibility of locating five people still missing in Baglung. It has been estimated that around 88 families have been displaced in Baglung due to the landslide.
Meanwhile, according to the Home Ministry, 15 families have been left homeless due to landslides in Ramechap District, some 100 km east of Kathmandu.
Landslides and floods are common in Nepal during the annual monsoon season which begins in June and ends in September.
Source: ChinaDaily.com
Updated: 2007-07-18 02:52
The Nepali Home Ministry said at least 34 were confirmed dead by Tuesday evening in the landslide that took place in Baglung District situated some 180 km west of Kathmandu.
The ministry told the local media, the rescue and relief operations in the affected regions have been intensified despite the bad weather.
At the same time, the Natural Disaster Mitigation Committee ( NDMC) is preparing to send additional relief to the affected areas.
The ministry has also ruled out the possibility of locating five people still missing in Baglung. It has been estimated that around 88 families have been displaced in Baglung due to the landslide.
Meanwhile, according to the Home Ministry, 15 families have been left homeless due to landslides in Ramechap District, some 100 km east of Kathmandu.
Landslides and floods are common in Nepal during the annual monsoon season which begins in June and ends in September.
Source: ChinaDaily.com
Eastern Nepal,
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