Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rainfall over Nepal receding (except in Jhapa): Rainfall Prediction for South Asia for the period of July 30-August 6, 2007

Rain over Nepal for July 30 - August 6, 2007:

Rain over Nepal for July 30 - August 6, 2007:

The rainfall for the period July 30-August 6 over Nepal is shifting towards western part of the country, and is mainly on lower half, that is where most of the rainfall will take place (in Mid and Far-western development region’s lower half portions). Otherwise the amount of rainfall is receding all over the country, and perhaps that will be a window of opportunity for relief and rehab operations. The south-east Jhapa district and parts of Illam will get quite some rains.

Please refer to earlier post (July 30, 2007), same statements apply.

Image 1: Rainfall Prediction for South Asia

Rainfall in South Asia: Bangladesh rains are receding too. The West coast of India is getting more rain again. Max rains are concentrated in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal for the week in South Asia.

Image 2: Rainfall for Asia continent

Thanks to CPC NOAA for the maps.

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